The relation of the Macedonian faith with Christianity, as well as all other religions in the world is obvious. It is because of the fact that the Macedonian faith has been recorded by
way of written documents dated more than 500,000 years ago, on five continents, analysed in the book Zeta Macedonia.
invented complicated theories to explain Christian gods – saints, cosmology,
eschatology, ethics and other disciplines, including the theory of good and
Seen from a different angle, these analyses are very obvious and their
purpose is to erase Macedonian faith, which existed before it was renamed into
The Macedonian faith is TRUE.
It is the faith in the only God Sun ILI. The Macedonian is the son of God ZET and he is equal with his father in
fertilizing Mother Planet Macedonia for the birth of Paradise Macedonia. The
Macedonian has received this fertilizing power from his father Sun ILI, as the
word of God of THE TRUTH, from the tops of mountains with a shortest line in a direct
relationship with God, for the GLORY of the Holy Trinity. This belief is TRUE.
We should immediately point out the fact that everything is born of
mother Macedonia, and it is all divine property in a dualistic relationship
with the son Macedon as ZET, Master, Lord on on the Planet Macedonia.
If we know what light is, we will easily discern darkness. If we
experience what bad is, normally we will know that we are living in goodness
and harmony. If we know that we live for the glory of the only Sun God ILI,
death is a joy. The good is a way of being, created by Mother Makedonka, and
the evil comes from the self-created God on on this planet (Romans and their
nameless servants of Semitic Arab origin, Jews, Tatars and fictional Goths and
Slavs), for exploiting and destroying the children Macedon from the mother
The good is MOTHER Macedonia. She gives birth to the principles of life,
devised by spirit Macedon, located in every matter, while Sun God ILI assists in
the birth of all in the universe and on the planet Macedonia with its light and

The Great Mother, sculpture from the Tumba Madzari site Holy Mother of God Pelagonitsa,
From the iconostasis in the Holy Transfiguration Monastery,
in v. Zrze, Prilep area,1422 y.
What is GOOD?
Good are the material and spiritual things – PROPERTY, which have not
been created by anybody, but are born of Mother Makedonka, devised by the
spirit Macedon on one hand, and fertilized by the father Sun ILI and masters Macedonians.
Good is the divine spirit Macedon, who arrived with the sun's rays,
lightning, tiny dew and music. Sun God ILI sprinkles the hills with tiny dew
which contains the divine spirit Macedon, she enters the underground chambers –
caves, just like in today's temples of God, which serve to keep the spirit
Macedon, and emerges in spring in the low lands, mostly from the roots the
SACRED tree of life, as the source of life – water. The tree of Life are the the oak, the linden, the olive, the poplar "Jablan", the maple and others.

Royal crowns of gold, symbol of the Macedonian Sun God ILI.
The crown was worn by the Macedonian Zet – Master King,
Lord on the Planet Macedonia. With the crown the son of Lord Macedon
is identified as an equal to his God Father Sun ILI
These trees are a source of good in Macedonian faith, source of eternity
and immortality in infinity, and reincarnation in a new life. These trees
together with holy water were revered by Macedonians because through them could
be masters, Lords on the
Planet Macedonia.
In the ancient period of the Macedonian people, this part of the faith
was obvious, as the Macedonian crown was made of gold in the form of sun. It
was a crown of oak, olive, linden and other leaves from the sacred trees. This
tradition, supported by faith in Sun God has persisted with the Macedonians for
at least 500,000 years.
The crown is a symbol of the ruler ZET, Master, Lord on the
Planet Macedonia, symbol of faith and symbol of the
people belonging to Macedonian culture. To enslave the Macedonian people it was
necessary to destroy the science, religion and tradition, not least through the
crown and the sacred trees.
In Christianity, the Macedonian sacred trees will be
declared treed banned and evil. Supposedly, they are the forbidden tree in
paradise with the forbidden "fruit." The imaginary first people, Adam
and Eve, after tasting the forbidden "fruit", the water from the
source underneath that tree, were expelled from Paradise Macedonia, expecting
to continue living a hell of a life and death.
In the context of the Macedonian crown of oak leaves, we need to
mention the newly established tradition of the Christmas Eve twig, leading
root of the stone period of the Macedonian people. Orthodox Christians on
Christmas Eve, bring into their home an oak twig, as a decoration,
for health, happiness and celebration of life. The Christmas Eve
twig is actually a branch of an oak tree. According to some sources it is
considered that this tradition was noticed in the 4th century. It is
with this tree that John lit a fire to warm the newborn Jesus.
Early Christianity had to find a way to erase from the memory of the
Macedonian people the love and respect for the Macedonian crown. One of the
ways to do this was to put fire to the Christmas Eve twig and use it
for kindling the fire. By doing this every Macedonian burns
the crown of his ZET-ruler, he burns the crown of Macedonian
In some parts of Macedonia, the tradition of
the Christmas eve twig has been retained in the original form ever since the
stone period. The Christmas Eve twig is kept all year.
On Christmas Eve the old twig is burned and is replaced with
the new one which is again kept all year round, in honor and glory
of Macedonian rulers Masters, Lord ZET on the planet Macedonia.
What is EVIL?
Evil does not have its eternal existence, because it has no blessing
from Mother Macedonia. A Mother cannot wish ill to her children. Evil is not
created or born from the mother. The question arises of how evil begins? St.
Macarius the Great in the "New Testament" tells us that "evil
comes as a result of wrong choices." The choice is located in the PERSON
and in the WILL.
According to the principles of mother Macedonia on the existence of man,
all have the gift of choice to do good or bad deeds. Given the fact that
paradise is on the planet Macedonia, moreover, in lowlands close to the seas
and rivers, people are not aware that from the onset of their humanity they
have been living the paradise, until evil appeared, and envy because of material
good in people from the mountains. These are those who called themselves
VOLNARI or GOVEDARI (herdsman), defectors from Macedonian faith and Macedonian
name. They attacked the Madonians or Macedonians, robbed and killed them.
The greatest evil is that the occupier creates himself as God on this planet
and creates the principle of existence as a new order, writing the
"scripture" by which e governs, which serves to cover up the dirty
end, the exploitation of tangible goods from Macedonia, the appropriation of
scientific and cultural achievements of the Macedonians and the erasure from
memory of his own Macedonian origin and the origin of the Macedonians.
is deleting from memory the Macedonian god ILI and the name Macedonia. They,
the defectors from the Macedonian faith declare themselves equal to Father Sun
God, which they achieved by force, proclaiming God nameless, omnipotent, giving
birth – creating everything. They renounce the name because it is the code of
existence of masters Macedonians, who are actually their masters. It is God's
blessing for the dualistic relation of fertilization and birth of paradise.
Thus they take away the primacy located in the gene of the Macedon people for
domination and reign on this planet.
It is the negation of Macedonian identity with a fictional, new
identity, by forming tribal communities as separate states. This brings forth
their spiritual disaster and from Macedonian they turn into devils. They are
filled with spiritual food of mistaken identity. Hence the need to lie and
destroy their root to justify their false identity as a separate tribal group.
All this is Satan.
The mistaken identity generates vanity, egoism, the need to lie, to
excuse a false identity. ENVY, PRIDE, VANITY, EGOISM lead to the spread of
chaos and destruction of Macedonian culture and people. And the holy sons of
God become devils. In this way the devil appears in the Catholic religion. It
is opposite of the Macedonian religion and the rule of Zet Lord God on the Planet Macedonia.
Evil is the great flood described in the Old Testament. "The Great
flood" is a story spread by early Christian teachings. This story spreads
the idea of a supernatural force that destroyed everything, in other words
destroyed science, script, religion, language and tradition of the Macedonian
people, and it must be stopped. There is the hero Noah (he is who he is), who
makes a boat that saves wildlife, allegedly the only way to extend life on on
this planet. This flood is not a flood of water on land, this is a "flood" of the MIND. The flood of the mind was
conducted by the military power of Rome and the newly established trading power
of the Canaanites, Judeans (today called Jews).
All this is contrary to the principle of existence, to
the principle born of mother Macedonia, i.e. it is contrary to the Macedonians.
This violation of Macedonian rule on the planet Macedonia with Early Christianity regarding Macedonian faith
Let us give an example:
Jesus himself said: “ I saw Satan fall like
LIGHTNING from heaven."
With this "statement" of Jesus, Christianity wants to
humiliate the fertilizing power of the Sun God ILI. Actually, the lightning
will cause strong rain and this rain will be followed by tiny dew which
contains the divine spirit Macedon.
We say that this evil as no eternal existence, because
Mother Macedonia with her selected individuals, sons of God, suppresses the
evil with indefinite goodness. Along with the goodness received from the father
Sun ILI come science, script, language, religion and culture, which spread to
five continents.
to be continued...
(The book Zeta Macedonia is printed in a second, supplemented edition and in English translation, which can be read at the City Library “Brakja Miladinovci”. It is not sold via retail. It can be bought from the author at zetamakedonija21@gmail.com or phone +389 78 264 106)