30.12.2020 г.
HISTORY Historical facts,
mostly out of ignorance, are formed on the basis of assumptions. They are
presented by the "scientists" from western Zeta Macedonia Europe, and
blindly copied by all the other, domestic
estranged individuals, it is inaccurate,
false, tendentious. This history was written by members of self-proclaimed
universities, which produce blind doctors of science. All due respect goes to
individuals who remain wisely silent, and thus become accomplices.
History is a term denoting
knowledge of the past. When we divide the word history into morphemes (parts of the word and their meaning) we come to the Macedonian
character of the word. "IS" = is a prefix, "is" = is also a
noun meaning movement, steps, walking, development (dialect word meaning "walk"),
"IS" is also a noun denoting living beings, called ISUS. The second
part of the word is "STORIJA" = it is a set of stories, something
that has been done, that happened in the past. Conclusions about the past are
formed on the basis of material evidence, oral traditions, and the most
authoritative is the written evidence. The so-called "scientists" of
western Zeta Macedonia Europe, according to their limited mind, which thinks
pro-west, by not knowing and ignoring certain speech features in the world and
ignoring certain written signs and symbols, which it systematically destroys,
forming an "ingenious conclusion". Their conclusion is that there is
a historical period only since the emergence of Greece in 1832. Before 1832
there were nameless "ancient" Greeks, called "Hellenes". It
is recognized that 4,500 years ago in the area of Megjupotocje (Mesopotamia)
lived a people, referred to by an inappropriate name, meaning nameless, without
roots, which mysteriously disappears. Everything that precedes that period is
PREHISTORY, or human development, which had no written continuity in the past
and which evolved from the ape tens of thousands of years ago, resulting in declaring
their written signs to be art.
SCRIPT Let us ask ourselves? What
people does today's script, language and religion, in a word, culture of living
originate from? "Scientists-historians" around the world must
understand that "He who lies also steals." Their God commands them!:
8. "Thou shalt not steal," 9. "Thou shalt not bear false witness",
10. "Do not covet your neighbor's house." Still, he explicitly
commands them: 5. "Respect your father and mother." This commandment
refers to honoring the Holy Trinity, our only Father Sun ILIJA, Mother Planet
Macedonia and the divine sons Macedonians, personified through personal parents
and their master. Obviously, the "scientists-historians" from all
over the world, because of their – "scientific papers" – presented
lies will be punished, will soon die, will ROAM THROUGH HELL – THE UNIVERSE OF
ETERNAL COLD AND HOT. Let us explain why. According to the evidence and logic
of the most ordinary human mind, historians should accept that the people we
are wondering about, whether it is indigenous, always present on Planet
Macedonia with its alphabet, language and culture, it is the Macedonian people,
and its center is in Macedonia, the Macedonian Peninsula, Zeta Macedonia Europe
and Planet Macedonia. Why? According to the discoveries so far based on the NATION-BEARING CODE "Zeta Macedonia", the history, as a record,
originates only from the Macedonians, at least from 500,000 years ago. This is
according to the archeological findings, dated by the so-called
"scientists" from western Zeta Macedonia Europe. Based on those
discoveries, it can be safely concluded that history is closely related to the
Macedonian people and the Macedonian faith.

Macedonian inscription with the Blossom script – Cyrillic, 500,000 years ago.
Due to the limited space, the
noun Macedonia was written with the abbreviation "M".
The Macedonian people throughout Planet Macedonia had their own communication
system, their own Blossom script (Cyrillic and Latin), Spring digits (called
Roman and Arabic), the Macedonian language, the Faith of the exchange of matter, the
Faith of the Sun God, the Faith of the Word of God , Faith of the only
Son-in-law, Faith of R'S – growth of the day from December 25 and of IS –
growth of living beings, from March 22, the Faith of the Macedonian DON, DION,
Dionysus, the Faith of Hermes, Vermes – time, the Faith of Santa Claus – St.
Nikola, in a word, it is the Macedonian Faith of the circulation of energy,
called REINCARNATION. The Macedonian faith in certain periods of time within
the range of 500,000 years and in certain regions and continents, according to
the discoveries made so far is called: In Zeta Macedonia Europe the Faith of Kurtish,
the Faith of Aion, the Faith of Maria, Madonna, mistress, Madomnia, Planet
Macedonia. On the continent Zeta Macedonia Overseas Bloom, present-day America it is the faith of: the Sun ILI,
the Faith of Ma – Macedonia, the Faith of the Wild Atlas, the Faith of the Kokopelli,
the Faith of the Zet G’GL, the Faith of the M’NO Zet. In Zeta Macedonia Uprising
(Asia), it is the Faith of the Sun,
and the Faith of the Dragon – the Eel, the symbol of Macedonia. In Zeta Macedonia
Lom of God (Africa) it is the Faith of Spring. In
Zeta Macedonia Lom on Don (present-day Australia), that is the faith of Zet
DON. As stated above, all these names of territories and beliefs refer to a
common name, as a nation-bearing code, which is Zeta Macedonia with the
Macedonian people and the same Reincarnation Faith.
Every detail of the material reality – worldly, on Planet Macedonia,
in its stratosphere, biosphere, fauna and flora, atmosphere and cosmos, is recorded
only with Macedonian nouns, which are changed today, but the root remains Macedonian.
Everything that is sacred, heavenly and spiritually is also marked with
Macedonian characters. Musical instruments and the Macedonian irregular musical
rhythm are the basis of all rhythms in the world. And the monotheistic faith
refers to the Religion of the Sun with Reincarnation, from which all the
religions of the world originate, with inverted events, names and dates.
Let us return to the Macedonian script from the Stone Age, which
is the basis of all scripts in the world. What is a script-letter? These are
symbols and signs with which the Only Zet (Son-in-law) transmits the knowledge to
his people – "Macedonian Feast", received from the Sun God, representing
the Macedonian soul.

Site Gradeshnica on the
territory of present-day Bulgaria.
The script is an abstract graphic system,
composed of signs, which visually represent the sound of the Macedonian
language. Today in the Macedonian language each sound has its own sign (one
sound – one letter), i.e. it has 31 sound and 31 letter. In the Stone Age, the
Macedonian language, in certain regions and certain periods, was found to have
from 22 to 36 letters. In the early period 500,000 years ago, it was the
practice of the Macedonian people to use a soft sign instead of vowels, which
is kept to this day in certain Macedonian dialects. They used figures and
geometric symbols to express the thought more clearly. Due to its great
distribution 500,000 years ago, the Macedonians, for their communication,
created the Blossom alphabet, today called Cyrillic. Due to the large number of
tribal communities of the Macedonian people, living in the same area as their
enemies, the Macedonians also created a secret Blossom alphabet, today called
LIGATURE In terms of secrecy, to mark
the borders of territories, interpersonal messages and religious ritual
messages, they wrote them as rebuses and ligatures. The word ligature is a
Macedonian word meaning: Lig – sticky mucus. Ligature is composed of two or more
letters that are glued together and represented by a single written sign.
Ligature makes writing easier. It was convenient for writing more letters in a
small space, thereby obtaining a larger text. They also introduced
abbreviations in writing. Simultaneously with the ligature technique, with the
glued letters of a stylized figure, they made drawing-ligatures and
sculptures-ligatures. The script was intended to be read by educated
Macedonians, and the drawing was used to symbolize the text, so that it could
be easily understood by certain tribal communities that were illiterate.
Drawing-ligatures and sculpture-ligatures were made in a small microscopic
space and in a huge space of tens of kilometers. This practice is present today
as well, the most impressive being the Macedonian icons and frescoes. In this
way, the message, just like in everyday speech, was very short, in verse, but
with great poetic, aesthetic-artistic, linguistic and verbal value. This
Macedonian way of communication is still alive today. East Asian symbols are
Macedonian ligatures, made with the Blossom script. The ligature can also be
seen in Zeta Macedonia AR on MA (present-day Egypt). The so-called
"ancient art" refers to the advanced Macedonian culture with the
writing form LIGATURE, which historians from western Zeta Macedonia Europe, have
been trying to steal and misinterpret for two thousand years. Therefore the God
Sun Ilija and Mother Planet Macedonia will punish them with untimely death, to
wander forever through the Universe hell, burning in cold and heat. All
historians who are thieves of the Macedonian people-bearing codes, in addition
to stealing the Macedonian script, language, religion and culture, will
eventually steal the last people-bearing Macedonian code, which is their own
white skin, which they will skin themselves. In that way they will destroy the
Macedonian nation in the world, destroying themselves. Hopefully, with the
imminent entry into the new cosmic year of 2148 the white man Macedon, from
western Europe, will come to his senses, will respect Father Sun Ilija, Mother
Planet Macedonia and the divine sons Macedonians.

Macedonian ligature “AP” Macedon, on a Macedonian coin.
Examples of ligatures: Щ,= шч, Я = ја, Ю = ју, «W» («VV»), ゟ (よ り [jorʲi]) Japanese ligature, = ет.
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Branko Sotirovski 30.12.2020.