Part One:
For many people the idea of God and what God is
isn’t clear. People do not know what God is. One reason for that is poor
information from Christian priest, because Christianity itself does not gave
the right attitude regarding the issue of God. According to Christianity, God
is something abstract, surreal, untouchable, omnipotent, something that gives
and punished. God invented reality, creating all that we see and assume, God is
omnipotent, indestructible, and eternal. In a word, God is EVERYTHING and
everywhere, thus imposing a fear of God, an idea that people are nobody, they
are only sheep of God Father – the shepherd. At the same time, God sent a
saviour on this planet, to save mankind from something, and no one knows what.
To save humanity from a non-existing sin. All this, proclaimed by Christianity
and other similar religions, serves only to keep people under control and
submission to something that does not exist. Christianity also offers an
abstract solution to what God actually is, saying: "When divine revelation
comes." In other words, all the above mentioned is a fear of God, and that
fear is the foundation of our existence and salvation, from something that we,
again, do not know. Christianity says that God revealed himself as a person, as
a son of God named Jesus.
Where can one find the knowledge about the God of Christianity? The
answer of Christian priests is that it is in our mind, and includes the priests
themselves in that group of people unable to find him, because we are
"fallen from God" – waste (probably wanting to say, derived from God
himself). Our organs of knowledge (the gnoseological ones) are defiled or
retarded, "therefore it is very difficult to create a true image of God,
which is subjective, and it leads us to idolatry, and not to the real image,
which we get from the very revelation".[1]
How does God reveal? Christianity says that God
reveals through all the things that he created, which we see directly. We know
God also through selected individuals called prophets, such as Adam and Eve,
Seth, Kai, Enoch, Noah, Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and others, who are
carriers of God's voice. They enter and record God's proclamations in the holy

........................................................Macedon Sun God ILI, IL, ILIJA..
According to the decipher texts published in the book Zeta Macedonia we come to some opposed
views about the perception of what God is, and how he reveals to us. Since the
Macedonian monotheistic faith is at least 412,416 years old, it leads to the
conclusion that Christianity as polytheistic belief, together with all other
religions and mythologies of the world, stems from Macedonian faith, whereby,
something matches in the findings.
Let us immediately explain why the book Zeta Macedonia gives an answer to
question what God is. According to the information written in Zeta Macedonia deciphered from monuments
of culture left by Macedonian people on five continents, God actually is:
Something real – real, dear, tangible, warm, good thought, melody, powerful,
but not the most powerful, he bestowed the divine seed for a new life, this
seed is the LIGHT, meaning that he is not creator of something out of nothing,
he is only a fertilizer, while the MOTHER is the most powerful, the one that
creates and bestow new life. In the Macedonian monotheistic faith, the only God
is God Sun ILI, IL, ILIJA, called St. Ilija (Elijah) in Christianity, which
personifies all divine characteristics with SAINTS. Hence the polytheistic
character of Christianity.
The Macedonian God Ilija (Elijah) does not punish, he
always blesses with warmth, light, tiny dew, music and protects against the
constellation Azhder (Dragon) – the cold, through the Cross constellation or
the beginning of the new year in fruit. Mother Planet Makedonka-Macedonia is
the one that gives birth to God's children, nurtures, feeds, protects and
punishes them with famine.
The Macedonian God was born of the Mother of light and
dark, who will give birth to the entire universe. God exists because of his son
Ilion or called Macedon after is mother. If God's sons Macedonians do not
exist, God will not exist as well. God exists for the sake of his son
Son of God Ilion-Macedon, with the taken fertilizing
divine gene, in his adulthood, when he is fertile, and called Zet, along with
his bride, equally participate in the creation of Macedonia Paradise on the
Planet Macedonia and in the universe. The day of the fertilizing power of Zet
is XXII March, when the mountain tops closest to God and in direct contact with
the sun and the first sunray along the shortest STRAIGHT line receive the word
of God – the mind, with its total knowledge. This knowledge is language, script
and science, representing the WORD of God. From that day Macedon will be
“slovesno-velen” or celebrated, it will celebrate his God Ilija, divine spirit
Macedon and spring Don.
The biggest lie of Christianity about the true
revelation God occurred when God sent among the people his son Jesus, who had
in him the Holy Spirit, born of Virgin Mary-Macedonia as a man. In the book Zeta Macedonia we see that Jesus was not
born of a mother 2016 years ago, but was born at least 412.416 years ago.
According to Macedonian records IS – ISUS is the young
newly born on XXV December. IS has a meaning of baby, newborn or the entire
newly born nature, in which olds the Son of God Macedon on the day of XXII
March, when the new Zet is proclaimed, meaning SIR, LORD, LORD on this planet Macedonia.

...................................East Asian symbol for fire, given by the Macedonian people.
The significance of this belief is huge for
understanding the entire religious concept of Macedonian civilization. The
Macedonian developed a strong feeling toward the Sun due to its power to create light, heat, soul and script. For
Macedonians, the sun is the only deity, and the entire matter in the macro and
microcosm is divine, filled with divine spirit Macedon. Therefore, ever since
Macedonians became aware (word-conscious, verbal) of their genesis and
existence, have attributed divine nature to the Sun, i.e. Sun itself is God,
propellant, origin and source of life, source of divine spirit Macedon, god of heaven and of the divinated
Macedonians on the planet Macedonia.
Sun as the most important and the most significant phenomenon in Macedonian
faith is referred to as God ILI, ILE,
ILJO, Zet, Tesht, and its rays are named carrier of divine spirit Mace-Don – “Z” (“З”) beam (“zrak”), “DZ”
("S") gaze (“pogled”) – lightning and sunray called IL. (Excerpted from Zeta Macedonia 400,000
years of literacy, p.24)
To be continued, Part Two: “WHAT IS THE HOLY SPIRIT”.
(The book Zeta Macedonia is printed in a second, supplemented edition and in English translation, which can be read at the City Library “Brakja Miladinovci”. It is not sold via retail. It can be bought from the author at or phone +389 78 264 106)
[1] Father Ivica Todorov, video recording “School of Life” – 1