MACEDONIEN TANGO, (called Argentine Tango)

26.09.2019 g.



Feel the beauties of the Macedonian tango called Argentine Tango. Apart from the Macedonian folk dances, which are pearls in the world, the Macedonian tango is a skill, ring dance, oratory, communication between the dancers, the sun and planet Macedonia. The dancers with their dance celebrate the parents for their love gaze “DZE”, and love touch with light – the spring day. The Argentinean tango or ‘love story in three minutes’, as many call it, originated with the Macedonians settled in Argentina, and has had a profound impact on poetry, the drama arts, fashion, painting, architecture…” 
In order to explain the dance in pairs called Argentine tango, we must go back to the very beginning. All the people across our planet were wild, living in the lowest social order. Only the Macedonian people, today called Slav Macedonians, received the divine knowledge 500,000 years ago. It was done by the First Son-in-Law (Zet), Don, Dion, Dionysus, Hermes, Kurtis, Kokopeli, Asclepius, today St. Nicholas – Santa Claus. He was the only one who spread God’s seed and thought throughout the world. In this way the Macedonian arts, such as karate, yoga, writing, music and more came all the way to the Far East, and also the language, alphabet, dance and music reached the west, in one word Macedonian culture spread all over. Thus, the world became more Macedonian.
Two thousand years ago, when the axis of our planet enters the next cosmic month of year 2148, which is about to expire in 128 yrs., a catastrophe shall happen. The Macedonian people will be occupied, enslaved. For two thousand years it shall be assimilated, forcibly and voluntarily displaced, by imaginary nations. The occupier sucked out the material wealth from Macedonia. But a phenomenon happened, the enslavers of the Macedonians were again culturally assimilated and MADE MACEDONIAN, with Macedonian spiritual and material culture. The occupier will preserve the Macedonian culture in Macedonia, and it will remain the same as in the stone age. While Macedonia was enslaved, Western Europe developed industrially. Colonies were conquered from where raw materials were extracted. With the advent of the first steamer in 1807 the Europeans, including Macedonians, massively moved to America. In Argentina, Macedonian emigrants who have enjoyed a high level of development in the spiritual realm invented the tango.
Undoubtedly, the roots of Argentine Tango are to be found in Macedonian civilisation, Macedonian folklore, language and culture. The Macedonian 7/8 rhythm is composed of two simple rhythms 4/4 (tango) and 3/4 (waltz). The very word Tango, in relation to the dance was first used in 1890, and is known to come from the Macedonian words: T = tatko (father), ANG = prolet (spring) – symbol of eternal life (angel), ang read from right to left is KNA = meaning: “The love wish of God to fertilize the Divine Planet Macedonia” (Zeta Macedonia, p. 380)... This dance in pairs represents a DANCE with Long Caress in a circle, as a ring dance (ronda, rodna, roda). 
The Argentine Tango is played at parties called milonga, a Macedonian word meaning DOLGO MILUVANJE (LONG CARRESS).  MILO = what is loved; which creates a pleasant feeling when watching or dancing, LONG = dolgo (long is a meaning of the Macedonian people from the territory today called France). The literal translation of the word “long” is: LONG = LOM /30– meaning light. The word long – lom marks the day December 25th, when the day breaks, or the duration of the night decreases, and the duration of the day increases. It is the day when the young Sun Son-in-law (Zet), called R’S, R’sto, Risto/3. A period comes of “long carress” with the bride Planet Macedonia, until March 22nd, when Planet Macedonia will be fertilized. A literal translation of the word milonga is = caress embracing the light. It is not excluded that polka, waltz, mazurka and schottische, as rhythms derived from the Macedonian 7/8 rhythm also have had their impact on the creation of the milonga.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the tango experienced worldwide expansion, both in Macedonia and in Europe. In the lyrics of the Macedonian tango songs, the old Macedonian tradition appears and they sang about the old times, the lost love for the beloved and the homeland Macedonia, the longing for the mother, the birthplace, but most of all, they sang about the love for the tango, which actually is singing about the love of the Father Sun Ilija with Planet Macedonia.
“Somewhat later the tango got an important place in the standard dances, like ballroom tango, nowadays known as Macedonian tango (called European tango). However, although they originate from the same root, the Macedonian tango (European tango) differs greatly from the Argentine one: in attitude, embrace, movements, improvisations, balance and steps.
According to experts, learning tango requires a lot of effort, will, love and creativity, because the dance itself requires a great deal of precision and above all a gift of prophecy – interpreting the will of God. Because the steps do not follow a predictable order, they are susceptible to improvisation by the one leading or to choreography of endless combinations in the relationship between a man and a woman, in their touch both bodily and spiritually. Both partners have a lot to contribute – just like in a true love story. They must learn to listen to one another and to trust one another. They incorporate their own styles and decorations (adornos) which significantly contribute to the excitement and unpredictability of the dance experience.
The tango is always danced counterclockwise, same as the Macedonian ring dance, like in horse races (horses and betting occupy an important place in tango lyrics, due to the fact that the horse is a symbol of the fertilizing power of the sun), and the dancers try to stay at the edge of the podium, avoiding its center. The milonga dance is reminiscent of wavy synrays, a river – DON that gently waves constantly changing rhythms. Perhaps because of the constant change of rhythm as the main feature of tango music, this dance is not subjected to pre-designed choreographies.“
“This dance is characterised by a multitude of styles: salon tango, milonga, tango nuevo, orillero, fantasia.
Fantasia is a stage tango or tango performance close to acting, drama and stunts. Tango nuevo finds its reflection in electro music (Gotan project, Bajofondo ...), has numerous decorations and is very popular with younger generations. Milonga is a tango that has a faster pace and is characterized by small and simple steps. Although milonga music is historically much older than tango music, the dance is quite recent.
What differentiates tango music from all kinds of music is of course the bandoneon instrument (type of concertina, simple harmonica), as well as the absence of drums. The bandoneon appeared in Germany around 1880. Although difficult to learn, his crying sound captured the very essence of the tango. The piano, the violin, and the bandoneon are the ones that maintain the fascinating tango rhythms. Also in tango the beauty of the voice is as important as the way of singing, the space between the syllables, the intention that envelops each phrase. The singer of tango is primarily an actor. Not any actor, but the one in which the listener recognized his/her own feelings.
In 2009 the tango became part of the world’s heritage. The United Nations Organization for Science, Culture and Education (UNESCO) has awarded this dance a status of tradition of particular importance to humanity.”(quote: //

The character of the Macedonian tango dance, called Argentine tango, its essential meaning, can be revealed only through the values of Macedonian civilization, the Macedonian coded language, the Macedonian 7/8 coded rhythm, the Macedonian toponyms spread all over the world, science and culture originating from the stone period from 500,000 BC in continuation to this day. Following is an analysis of the terms used in Macedonian tango:

Argentina = toponym meaning: Ar = land, gen = Gena – female name, gena or (žena) woman, TINA = female name derived from the noun Kostadin – Kostadinka, meaning KOST = bone, DIN = from. The literal meaning of the noun Kostadin, Kosta and Tina is: hereditary bone gene, as the strongest part of the human body.
Kabaseo = man’s sign (ka = desire, b = divine, as = first, champion, o = plea), FIRST WISH OF THE GOD, A MACEDONIAN WITH A GAZE.
2. Leader = partner (li = add, ide = accompany someone in movement).
3. Milonga = fun (milo = loved in a sweet way, long = long), LONG CARESS.
4. Miranda = woman’s sign (mira = in peace, n’da = hope), WITH HOPE FOR RECONCILIATION.
5. Pollover = partner (pol = opposite, ver = faith) FAITH IN THE OPPOSITE SEX.
6. Ronda = movement of dancers in a circle, on the right. (ro = rotation, rotating around its axis, n’da = hope), ronda with meaning = roda, rodna, ROTATING AROUND ITS AXIS IN THE HOPE of love). Ronda is a dance in an embrace within Ronda Dance – when the main motif is repeated, called tango.
7. Tango = Dancing game. (taa = she, n’go = him), SHE WITH HIM. ANG = angel, spring, Ronda DANCE – when the main motif is repeated, called tango.
8. Sacada = wanting (entering into partner's space)


The Greatest DREAM of the Macedonians is the Sun, spring, love, fertilizing power of lightning, the tiny dew, and Faith Revival – Reincarnation


Face like the moon,
Golden silky hair,
Eyes see a dream,
Fairness true. x2

Terrible storm,
My heart trembles,
I seek the fair one,
He turned into a dew. x2

Sleepy, translucent,
It came to my bed.
My shoulder he touched,
A thunder hit hard. x2

Terrible storm,
My heart trembles,
I seek the fair one,
He turned into a dew. x2

I seek the fair one,
He turned into a dew.

12.07.2019 г. Branko Sotirovski

A melody was made for this song, in the rhythm of Macedonian Tango. 

“Dream” –
The song was promoted 04.11. 2019.
Mezzo soprano: Aleksandra Kocevska. Music and arrangement: Saso Livrinski. Text: Branko Sotirovski. Production: Zeta Macedonia. The concert was held at the Museum of the Macedonian Fight.

Source: From the book ZETA MACEDONIA 400,000 YEARS OF MACEDONIAN CIVILIZATION ON FIVE CONTINENTS, TRADITION UP TO THE PRESENT. The book can be bought from the author via e-mail or by phone +389 78 264 106. Read more at:  



Лице ко месечина,
Коса златна коприна,
Очи, сон гледаат,
Вистинска убавина.

Сонлив, проѕирен,  
Ми дојде до постела.
Рамо ми допира,
Гром силно удира.

Страшна олуја,
Срце ми поигрува,
Го барам убавецот,    
Во роса се претворил.

Го барам убавецот,
Во роса се претворил.

12.07.2019 г. Branko Sotirovski


A tune for this song was made, in rhythm of Macedonian Tango.


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