03.04.2016; Branko Sotirovski

Time can be defined as a continuous line of things, in the irrevocable past, present and in the unpredictable future, based on mind and reason. Based on reason we remember the past, and as evidence we use preserved artefacts and records. The mind uses the record to make assumptions about the future.
In physics, time is a physical quantity determined by the movement of celestial bodies. Time is a dimension for tracking objects or creatures from their creation one after another, from birth until death. First of all, time is a measurable unit.
According to the first evidence on the existence of reasonable human being, the passage of time was closely related to his survival. The movement of the sun and the moon and the succession of the four seasons were the first means by which to measure and determine time.
Macedonians since antiquity have determined time as a circular movement of the four time cycles, but also as a linear motion supported by figures and words. They feel time as a historical phenomenon, unlike the later Confucian and Christian notion, which see time only as a movement in the linear sense.
Mircea Eliade puts the Macedonian archaic conception of time opposite the allegedly “Western historical” conception of time, although history has been established ever since the primordial Macedonian stone period.
Western researchers have no true idea of time, and begin to measure time since the appearance of Jesus Christ, denoting all previous achievements as something that should be considered “Before Christ” or “Before Current Era” or an age without a history, when it actually is Macedonian historical era.
“The first educational system” Zeta Macedonia Nania Laugerie Haute (present-day France), 17,000 years of Macedonian era.

Western analysts with their limited minds, and also illogical scientific approach, returning back in history do not take into account the achievements in science, art and literature developed by the Macedonian people in all times and continuously up to date. They do not take into account our modern discoveries of archaeology and other scientific disciplines, shaping their own culture that has no root, based without logic, not having a notion of time as a measurable unit for creating one thing over another.
If time is a cyclic circular movement, it could have neither a beginning nor an end, meaning it is eternal or infinite. Thus we could not even define what is old? MANKIND HAS NO AGE BECAUSE WE DO NOT KNOW IT BEGAN AND WHEN WILL IT END.
The only confirmations we have are the documentary evidence and remaining. So far the most distant time proof are the bone records found in Bilzingsleben (territory of present-day Germany) or Zeta-Madonia – Macedonia. The bone record is the first evidence on the existence of Macedonian script, language and civilization from 400,000 years ago. Thus we must not ignore this fact and consider it unimportant, uncivilized and place it into something before current era, see it as savagely, Neanderthal, i.e. not place it within the historical time.

“Divine spirit Macedon – time and” Bilzingsleben, Zeta Madonia – Macedonia, Lusatia (present-day Germany) 400,000 years ago, Macedonian era until today. Excerpt from the book Zeta Macedonia, p. 183.

With this text and many others, found in the book Zeta Macedonia, we prove the existence of the Macedonian state on the territory of present day Germany.
“Teshtu vostani”, Vogelherd cave, Zeta Madonia (in the southwest part of present-day Germany) 42,000 years ago of Macedonian era.

One of the most reliable testimonies on how the idea for the time category was established by the Macedonians as early as 8,000 years ago of Macedonian era can be read in more detail in the book Zeta Macedonia (Branko Sotirovski, p. 170). In fact, a clay tablet (found in Zeta Madonia – today called Romania, the territory along the Danube, which according to written findings is called “Madonia” or Macedonia) presents Macedonian theories on the cyclical movement of the time cycle made of four seasons, the linear eternity from the earth to universe and the BLOSSOM script (present-day Cyrillic). The tablet contains the historical record: “TESHTU SONCE ITAJ. TI IL PROLI GI SONCHEVITE ZRACI VO TRITE PROLETNI MESECI” (“FATHER-IN-LAW SUN HASTEN. YOU IL SHED SUNRAYS IN THE THREE SPRING MONTHS”). This record is part of Macedonian science, represented by the monotheistic faith in the Sun God ILI. This record along with the stylized shape of the sun represents a KEY OF TIME.

“Clay amulet”
(Zeta Madonia – present-day Romania, Macedonian era 8,000 years ago, found on Bistriţa’s right bank.) Excerpt from the book Zeta Macedonia, p. 170.

This text clearly conveys the scientific thought on time. Tesht (Father-in-law) is the old Macedonian master, the old sun or the longest night. Tesht personifies passing year, and it is the day XXII December. After three days or on XXV December the night will decrease and the day will increase, when the young sun rises or the new Zet (Son-in-law).

The same above mentioned comparison on the contradictions and paradoxes in terms of time can be used for items as well. There is a saying “old gold”. We will immediately ask whether there is “old gold”. Gold as metal has no age, time dimension does not affect gold. The gold metal when shaped into a form, at the moment of birth of the form, is inspired with a soul. The soul of the item is shaped with an artistic expression. From that moment, the item with a certain soul begins to age, but the metal still has no age. Gold at a certain time can change its physical form or inspired soul, but at another time period with the help of Sun God ILI or the help of gods Macedonians will reincarnate into another form with another soul – artistic expression.

Mother Earth has given birth to all forms in nature through the artistic expression of the God’s soul shaped as the sunray IL, inspired into every new-born item.
The main feature of the Macedonian people is that they are slovesen (словесен), slovosvesen (словосведен), slovogleden (словогледен), those are people SLOVOVEDI (СЛОВОВЕДИ) but in no case are they Slavs. “Slavs” is not a term for a people, it is a description, a feature of the Macedonian people that they left as a characteristic through time. The ancient name of those who are today called Slavs is the name Macedonians. A similar term is mistakenly used for the fictional people “GOTI” (GOTHS) or “GOJDELIK”. The term “GOT” (GOTH)" means SKOT (ANIMAL) or STOKA (CATTLE). Even today the Ohrid dialect uses the term GOJDO meaning govedo (cattle). The word GAJDA (BAGPIPES) derives from the word GOJDO.

On this basis, we can say that the so-called Western principle of viewing history, which is closely related to the category of time, falls into contradictions leading to paradoxes and nonsense. The notion that the so-called modern Greeks are descendants of the so-called ancient Greeks, that do not exist, is a construction of the radical European intellectual circles in the XVIII and XIX century. In fact the name “Greeks” was first used by the Romans for naming a small group of tribal communities of Semitic-Arab population, who were thieves and fraudsters. This term was used by Western science to invent the modern Greeks, who were supposed to be descendants of the ancient imaginary ones, to idealize them as founders of the European democratic history, the paradox being that, in fact, the state of Greece was established in 1832. All social phenomena before that date were created by people who were not called Greeks, but the only known people were the Macedonians. This criminalized history has been presented with pride by western “scientists”.
It seems that wrong beliefs, perceptions and interpretations of overall civilizational achievements of the past appear and reappear even today. But contradictions are increasingly ubiquitous in terms that, if a state is a newly established artificial creation, it could not shoulder the “baggage” from a past that does not belong to it, because it does not exist in the past. Consequently, the terms “ancient Greeks”, “Ancient Greek”, “Ancient Greek philosophy”, “Greek mythology”, “Ancient Greek script” and others, are meaningless because for something to be old it must exist for a certain period of time, i.e. to pass the line in the continuity of things, because even we people are not old at the moment of birth, as is the case of modern-day Greece.

There are some theories on the category time presenting the opportunity for time travel, or moving back and forth at different points. Some interpretations of time travel suggest that the journey into the past can lead the passenger into a parallel universe, whose history begins to change from the moment the time traveller arrives in the past. But it is yet unknown whether the laws of physics will allow travelling into the past. So far, the time travel theories remain in the domain of science fiction. The possibility that Ancient Greeks existed is also science fiction. The people prior to 1832 with all the cultural achievements as history of the world were Macedonians in their country Macedonia. This “scientific” shame presented by Western theorists is without exception shameful for the so-called “scientists” from the eastern bloc, including some Macedonians and their scientific thought, who blindly accept the fictional lie, reflected in the composition “The blind leading the blind” by Pieter Bruegel.

“The blind leading the blind” by Pieter Bruegel

In this way the Macedonian identity in Zeta Macedonia Europe is lost, in time and space. The continuity of the Macedonian people is lost in all newly established tribal communities (states) in Europe. European history is lost. The foundation of European culture is also lost, as it is replaced by the notion of people coming from nowhere.

(Established based on the evidence material analysed in the book Zeta Macedonia by Branko Sotirovski.)

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