“Filigrani 2018” – the song “Shepot” (Whisper) received an
award for a best interpretation. The song was sung by Serafina Fantauzzo. Tango-dancers
Vladanka Koleva and Angjelche Smontar made the performance with their dancing
on the floor.
The lyrics is written by Branko Sotirovski, the melody is by
Serafina Fantauzzo and the arrangement is made by Sasho Livrinski.

A part from the Serafina Fantauzzo’s performance.

A cake for the 25-th anniversary of the festival “Filigrani”.

The tango-dancers Angjelche Smontar and Vladanka Koleva, the
singer Serafina Fantauzzo and the song-writer Branko Sotirovski.

The received award.
The crown “STELLAR WHISPER” in
a form of a wreath.
Between the numerous stars in
the universe, there is also our star called Father Sun ILIJA. The whole our knowledge
comes from our father. How is that possible? That is because it comes through
the solar-stellar whisper and the noise of the dry oak leafs in the oak forest
in winter. In the summer time, the stellar whisper comes with a wind that blows through the leafs of the poplar.
“The stellar whisper” is a
lightness and warm - heat. The lightness is a SPIRIT, the heat is a SOUL. The
stars whisper through the lightness. The lightness never die. According to the Macedonian
faith of the truth, God has own name and that is ILIJA (Elijah) and also the
divine spirit has own name. He got his name because he discovered the divine knowledge and it transmits through the letter and the others through the faith,
and that is MACEDON – MACEDONIANS. That means that the DIVINE SPIRIT IS MACEDON.
The divine spirit Macedon is presented by the Macedonians through the soul, and
that is the LETTER. The divine spirit Macedon and the divine soul – the letter
of the Planet Macedonia, to the uneducated Macedonians is transmitted up to
today through the LETTER-SLAV MACEDONIANS. (The letter presents a divine word
which is presented through the Macedonians alphabets – Cyrillic and Latin.

The crown “STELLAR WHISPER” in
a form of a wreath, made by Branko Sotirovski for the needs for the
presentation of the knowledge presented in the book “Zeta Macedonia 400.000
years of literacy.”
“EUROFEST 2018” – the song “Fidanka” (seedling) received second
award. The lyrics is by Branko Sotirovski, the melody is by Serafina Fantauzzo
and the arrangement is Ljupco Sokolovski.

The singer Serafina Fantauzzo and the song-writer Branko

The given
award for the song “Fidanka”
“GOCE FEST 2018” – the song “Kaval” was awarded with two
awards: An award for a best lyrics to Branko Sotirovski and second award for
the melody from the jury to Serafina

An award for a best lyrics

The award for the melody given to Serafina Fantauzzo and the award
for a best lyrics given to Branko Sotirovski.

Branko Sotirovski and Sasho Livrinski.
A music video of the song “Kaval”, played on the “GOCE FEST
2018 y.” festival, ARM – Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.