
Two-humped Camilla, Cave Shulgan-Tash (Kapova), Bashkortostan, Zeta Macedonia R'zia, (today called Russia).
"In January 1959, Alexander Ryumin, [7][8][9] a senior researcher in the Pribelsky branch of the Bashkir State Nature Reserve, in the Shulgantash (Kapova) cave, made a sensational discovery."


 Ligature of Two-humped Camilla and ligature of a trapezoid shape, where it is written: "I L'M ITI vo MACEDONIA". Meaning: "And the light is increasing rapidly, the duration of the day is increasing in Macedonia".

He discovered drawings from "Ancient Luge". First let's explain who those "Ancient Luge" are. (Anti means something opposite. Anti can also mean strange, if you say ancient Greece, it would mean that everything Greek is strange or the opposite of Greek. This means that ancient Greece, ancient Greek culture is not that, but are something else, and that in the past for thousands of years was the MACEDONIAN PEOPLE, MACEDONIAN CULTURE, in recent times called Slovenian.)
This discovery became a real world sensation. Scientists believe that the drawings of animals from the Paleolithic - Macedonian era are characteristic only for Zeta Macedonia Western Europe. Allegedly, such drawings come from the distant past, in the caves in Zeta Macedonia Pirinejska - Spain and Zeta Macedonia Nan - France.
Throughout the long period of time of 500,000 years. Our heavenly body, the Holy Macedonia, passing through the cosmic months, through the oscillation, on its own axis, causes smaller or larger ice periods. The free water on the surface of the World Macedonia freezes, forming a cover of thick deposits of ice. The best conditions for the life of fauna and flora will be the belt around the Equator. The water level in the seas, compared to today, was much lower, conditions were created for the development of agriculture and animal husbandry. And with that, culture, literacy and science developed, which is presented through the faith of Reincarnation. In addition to faith, the Macedonians also created a myth about the origin of the world, which is alive to this day through several religions, which tell, true or false, about the origin of the world.
According to deciphered texts from the Stone Age, from all over the world, spring is spoken of as the beginning of the new year. The fertilizing power of the sun is personified by a horse, a rhinoceros, etc. animals. In this cave, a personified Mother Macedonia appears with Camila.
Such cave paintings have not yet been discovered in Macedonia and the Macedonian peninsula, called Balkan, which does not mean that they will not be discovered anywhere. But there is another undeniable fact, which scientists may have discovered, which they are hiding or do not know at all. These drawings with highly artistic qualities are actually made in the form of cryptography and with the ligature technique. The drawings show us that, they were not made in prehistoric times, when there was no history, these drawings were made in a historical period when there was writing.
The image of a camel with two humps, which is estimated to be between 14,500 and 37,700 years old, is quite exceptional. Macedonian era, but according to the Book Zeta Makedonia by Branko Sotirovski, the age can be 500,000 years. The figures were determined by uranium-thorium dating of the calcite deposits under which the painting is painted. It is assumed that at that time, there were no camels in the Southern Urals. This discovery confirms the theory that Upper Paleolithic artists did not migrate. The camel, as well as horses, were used to transport goods from Macedonia across the Urals to Zeta Macedonia Vostania (today called China), but also to Zeta Macedonia Western Europe.
In the Shulgan-Tash Cave, you can see drawings of geometric signs in the form of a trapezoid, which is a ligature of Macedonian letters that symbolize the trapezoidal spread of the sun's rays, the knowledge and movement of the Macedonian people from the south, from the Aegean basin, from the left to the west Zeta Macedonia Europe, to the north towards Russia and to the east towards Zeta Macedonia Vostania.
In the Shulgan-Tash Cave, symbols of the Sun God are found, namely: Camel, bull or bison, horses, rhinoceroses and mammoths. These drawings are an obvious proof of the movement of the Macedonian people from the south to the north. This phenomenon has been happening for 500,000 years. As the ice sheet melted north and south of the Equator, the sea level rose. The Megalithic walls were submerged, now the Macedonian people spread from the Equator to the north and south.

Mythology. The Sun God decided on this narrow belt around the Holy Macedonia, in addition to the gift of the spirit of God Macedonia, to give the Macedonians knowledge. He handed over all knowledge to Ero, Era, Erm, Erme or time, later called Hermes. Hermes was born to Maya on the second day of the third month. (The months were counted from the beginning of the new year on the first of March). Hermes' younger brother is Dionysus. Dionysus' father is Zeus - ZE, he was born of a mortal mother. What is IS? IS is the total wildlife of World Macedonia. The noun Dionysus if divided into morphemes means, Dion = God ZE, IS – US = son of God ZE. Dionysus is a sacrifice for the salvation of the Lord, the Master, the Lord, who is in turn a sacrifice for the salvation and glory of the Sun God Ilia.
Erme and Verme are the first enlighteners of their Macedonian race, who lived autochthonously around the World of Macedonia. The Macedonians will transfer the accepted knowledge in the Macedonian language to all tribal communities with black skin, yellow skin as brothers of the Macedonians. The difference between these two peoples is that they are born from one mother and two fathers. The Macedonian mother is Maria, and the mother of the Luge with yellow skin color was Mama. The father of the Macedonians is the Sun God and the father of the yellow race is the Dragon God (Fucin). The red-skinned Luge are descendants of the Macedonians. The difference between them and us is that we come from one father Sun and two Michaels. The Macedonian mother is Maria, Madonna, Gospodarka, Madomnia Bogorodica, and the mother of the tribal communities with red skin was Ma, Manana, Sat, Satana.

16.01.2018 Branko Sotirovski

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