04-06-2019 g.


The noun RISTO is a Macedonian name, which is used in Macedonia at least 500.000 years ago up to now. The noun RISTO means: R’S = RAST NA DENOT (increasing of the day length), R’S = could be also RIS (lynx) –CAT, which presents a symbol of the Sun, because of its eyes which are shining. Risto is an announcement for the young Sun from 22-nd of December, when our Planet Macedonia is located in the spot of the winter solstice in a position where will be much closer to the Sun. From the day of 22-nd of December we have hesitating of three days, when the Planet Macedonia will decide with her axis to incline towards to the constellation KRST (CROSS) or K-RST = kon rastot na denot (towards to the increasing of the day length). The constellation Cross or Swan, for the Macedonians is presenting a symbol of the day or increasing day from 25-th pf December. Risto, Ristos or Hristos is not a human, but is increasing of the day length.





On the engraving from Vermont United States, the divine portrait is made, it is a portrait of the young sun from December 25th.

                    The words:

                    SIYA means, bright, enlightening, eviscerating.

                   L'M-scam means breaking the day of December 25, light, increasing light.

                   RIS means r'st = the growth of the day, the sun, RISTO - the Macedonian name.


                                     VERMONT, USA




08.07.2018 г.



The noun RISTO is a Macedonian name, which is used in Macedonia at least 500.000 years ago up to now. The noun RISTO means: R’S = RAST NA DENOT (increasing of the day length), R’S = could be also RIS (lynx) –CAT, which presents a symbol of the Sun, because of its eyes which are shining. Risto is an announcement for the young Sun from 22-nd of December, when our Planet Macedonia is located in the spot of the winter solstice in a position where will be much closer to the Sun. From the day of 22-nd of December we have hesitating of three days, when the Planet Macedonia will decide with her axis to incline towards to the constellation KRST (CROSS) or K-RST = kon rastot na denot (towards to the increasing of the day length). The constellation Cross or Swan, for the Macedonians is presenting a symbol of the day or increasing day from 25-th pf December. Risto, Ristos or Hristos is not a human, but is increasing of the day length.

Macedonians were measuring the time according to the Moon and according to the Sun. On five continents, the archaeologists found out a life of a modern human Macedon. He left behind himself material evidences, literacy, buildings and culture which exists up to nowadays. Macedonians were announcing their scientific discoveries to the illiterate people through the TRUE faith which is today renamed into Christianity. Because of this fact, we are finding out for the appearance of the increasing day from 25-th of December through the written documents, such as this example from Vermont where from right to left is written: “OTSIR JILI I IOR ATI” <. The inscription in a Macedonian language means: “Hurrying and fertilizing Ilij, the Sun with the increasing day Risto”. Because of these and similar to these Macedonian inscriptions we can consider that the personified JESUS as Macedonian is found on five continents. Therefore is the confusion of the modern historians that Jesus was born in Nazareth, and according to others was born somewhere else. Actually, JESUS IS THE INCREASING DAY FROM 25-TH OF DECEMBER.








AT it is a Macedonian word, which means horse. The horse is a symbol which is characterized with speed, strength and tenacious. Macedonians from always used to have tame horses. They used them for a transportation of humans and goods on five continents. In present America in the caves which are located in the south-central part of Oregon State, fossils of horses have been found. They are 14.400 years old and however extinct 13.000 years ago. In Macedonia could be found drawings of horses, Zeta Macedonia pg.88. Drawings of horses on rocks could be found also in present France, Serbia, Afghanistan, in whole Asia and Africa. Most of them are drawing-ligatures with mythological contents. Usually could be found drawing-ligatures where is written the name of Macedonia. For the Macedonians, the horse is used in a mythological sense, literature, art and modern culture.


The white horse for Macedonians is a symbol and a personification of the sun ILI and his fertilizing power. The horse is a sun ray for a transition of the divine spirit Macedon, from the Sun towards to the Planet Macedonia and backwards. He brings the young Zet (son-in-law), Enoh, Hermes, Asclepius, St. Nicola. The young Sun Zet (son-in-law) is coming on a white horse on 25-th of December, which presents the beginning of the New Year, since the Stone Age of the Macedonian people. According to the decrypted text num.4, from 20.03.2018, published on the website (Decrypted texts) from the locality Vermont, we can see that AT-Atlas is the giant Sun Zet (Son-in-Law) or Jesus.


The gray and the black horse are also sun rays which are coming to this planet indirectly through the Moon. Macedonian toponym Atina is coming from the noun God AT –father. Atina actually is TATINA (FATHER’S) daughter.





An inscription that is found on a stone in a form of a BULL, is a personification of the Sun in a shape of a fetus. That is the young Sun GIANT or “IS”-JESUS, which is born on the day of 25-th of December. The presentation of the young Sun through the personification of a bull, is found on five continents. The faith of truth, language and the whole culture, which rays from the inscriptions are proving the Macedonian character of the MACEDONIAN people in a continuity 500.000 years ago up to present in REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA.




22-03-2018 г.


Zeta Macedonia North Blossom - (present-day America), the ancient Macedonian area Vermont, U.S.A


On the found stone is written: "JUST ME LOM, THE SON GIANT, THE SON ILI IN LOM" from 25-th of December.

The word LOM means: breaking of the day, sun ray.






The stone with his oval shape presents a personification of the Sun. On the stone is engraved a inscription in a form of a ligature, with Macedonian letters – Cyrillic. Ancient Macedonian Vermont presents a HOLY PLACE, with numerous of monuments, temples on open area and small temples where they were realizing religious rituals.
On the stone is written: “T’SHTIL I J’ IL L’TII”, transcribed on modern Macedonian language means: IT PRESSURING HIM, DEPRESSING HIM AND I IL FLY. The inscription points to the fact of scientific knowledge of the Macedonian people for the natural appearances. In this case, they knew that the time legality is inevitable, when the Planet Macedonia with her slope from 25-th of December will allow the appearance of increasing the day length, and the appearance of the New Year also. In the words “J IL” we can see a ligature in a form of a bird, which descends as a sun ray from the Sun toward Macedonia. 






In Macedonian mythology, Atlas was a Titan condemned to hold up the sky for eternity after the Titanomachy. Although associated with various places, he became commonly identified with the Atlas Mountains in northwest Africa (modern-day Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia). Atlas was the son of the Titan Iapetus and the Oceanid Asia or Clymene. He had many children, mostly daughters, the Hesperides, the Hyades, the Pleiades, and the nymph Calypso who lived on the island Ogygia. According to the described text, we are coming to conclusion that the Macedonian man Atlas ruled in present-day America also, as a part of Atlantida, which didn't sink.








As early as the 1940s, the characteristic stone structures found in Vermont (New England area, on the northwestern coast of the United States) are of interest and initiate questions about their origin and period of origin. They are called "chambers", "cottages", "caves", "baskets", etc...


 Stone with an inscription: “I JA ILIJ” with a meaning I JAS SUM SONCETO ILIJ (AND I AM THE SUN ILIJ). The stone is a form of the sunrise-Sun.


Stone with inscription ILS meaning SUNRAY. The stone is in the form of a sunray, which transmits the divine spirit Macedon.

In fact, they are the first temples built from stone. According to the analysis of the inscriptions found in the temples themselves and outside of them, it is safe to conclude that these are monuments of culture left by the autochthonous Macedonian people, old at least 500,000 years. The hypothesis that they are part of an ancient Macedonian civilization is gaining strong support and publicity. These constructions are the first stone constructions, although they are not unique, they can be found in the Republic of Macedonia as well, but also in the other four continents. This is so due to the lack of caves, artificial caves were made. The same is true of the pyramids, when, due to the lack of mountains, artificial mountains were built. The caves, the underground stone construction, mountains and pyramids were used by the Macedonians to hold religious rites, they were condensers for the transmission and preservation of the divine spirit from the day of December 25th, in Christianity called ISIS (JESUS). The assumption is that these smaller and larger objects also served to transfer people and goods from one continent to another. They are the basis of the Macedonian monotheistic faith. The Macedonian faith is made up of a holy trinity between the Father Sun ILI, the Great Mother MA, MU, Maria, Madonna-mistress, Planet Macedonia Mother of God, birth giver of the God, the everyday sunrise, and the sons of God – the Macedonians. This faith is the faith of energy circulation from the Sun to Planet Macedonia and vice versa. It is the faith of two PARADISES, the paradise in universe, and Paradise Planet Macedonia with its center in Macedonia.


Macedonian temple for the arrival and guarding of the divine spirit Macedon from the day of December 25th, in Christianity called HRISTOS (CHRIST).

It should be immediately emphasized that the Macedonian faith is monotheistic. It is the basis of all religions in the world, and thus the basis of the descendants of Macedonians, according to written documents called MAI. (Printed in the book Zeta Makedonija, 400,000 years of literacy, Macedonian civilization on five continents, tradition up to date, p. 354). In must be emphasized and explained that the Macedonian faith is not a "polytheistic Greek mythology". The present-day territory "Greece" was actually invented in 1832. It is inhabited by nameless people of Semitic-Arab origin in the south of the Macedonian Peninsula called Balkan.

In addition to the inscriptions and stone temples "chambers", Professor Barry Fell and others[1] further argue that some of the stone spiritual temples were built on carefully selected locations for observing the sunrise and sunset, especially during the solstice and the equinox . This building feature is still present in the Republic of Macedonia.

The stone structures, therefore, are only one of the many types of evidence that reflect the ancient Macedonian culture which is the basis of European culture in Vermont and elsewhere in New England and the United States.

Professor Barry Fell's assumption is his statement that he "has identified inscriptions originating from the Celts dated from 1,000 BC up to 300 BC." According to him, the ancient "Celts" built the stone structures.
Professors researching the stone structures very often recognize the script "Ogham", a primitive Irish language, similar in morphology and flexion with "Gaelic", "Latin", classical "Greek" and "Sanskrit". This assumption is quite correct, due to a simple fact: THE BASIS OF ALL THESE LANGUAGES IS THE MACEDONIAN LANGUAGE. All listed tribal groups are part of the MACEDONIAN PEOPLE spread over five continents. The basis of all the letters used by these tribal groups is the Macedonian blossom alphabet (Cyrillic and Latin), the numbers spring, the Macedonian music rhythm in 7/8 beat.

According to analysts: "However, the various approaches to research, inconsistency, contradictory attitudes lead scientists into traps, from which no one has ever found an appropriate answer. The questions, moreover, why they were made and whether they originated from time immemorial lead to inadequate answers, because the very vegetation, environment and conditions do not necessarily indicate the need to build caves and hiding places. Are they some kind of religious objects? Also, there is the problem with lack of archaeological material evidence."


An additional problem for the scientists is the lack of anthropological evidence. Why haven’t people left behind anything other than inscriptions and religious structures? No bones or any tools were found. This does not mean they will not be found. It is again so because of the Macedonian faith of divine spirit Macedon circulation from Planet Macedonia to the sun and vice versa. Naturally deceased Macedonians were burned at the pyre. Through the fire, the divine spirit Macedon, like the body, traveled on the flames, as symbols of the sunrays to Paradise Macedonia in universe.


You can read about Macedonian culture and the continuity of a time period of minimum 500,000 years in the printed edition in the book Zeta Makedonija: 400,000 years of literacy, Macedonian civilization on five continents, tradition up to date" and in the digital version Volume III on the website
You can read the book in the National and University Libraries in the Republic of Macedonia and in some countries around the world. The printed edition can be purchased from the author, via email, phone +389 78 264106.


[1]research published in THE PROCEEDINGS of the VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY SPRING 1979 VOL. 47, NO.2 – Vermont's Stone Chambers: Their Myth and Their History by GIOVANNA NEUDORFER, p. 79

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