01.03.2022 g.


According to Western European archaeologists, this is an abstract stone engraving in Gorham Cave, Gibraltar, with no convincing evidence that the engraving was made by Neanderthals. Congratulations to the most primitive people from homosapiens, but according to my analysis comes to the following conclusion. A skull of a modern man dating back 600,000 years has been found in the Red Walls Cave in Aegean Macedonia. and the oldest record, as a Macedonian ligature dates back to 500,000 years ago. In Macedonia and in the world of Macedonia, the Macedonians are not colonizers, settlers, they are an indigenous people of five continents at the same time, who lived together with Neanderthals and domestic animals. The Macedonians possessed the letter "Kutno" (Cyrillic and Crvenica-Latin), spring numbers, melody and instruments, king, state apparatus, science and belief in reincarnation, in a word, civilization. This Macedonian civilization continues to this day. The cave as a sanctuary and the settlements around it are home to a Macedonian scientific, trade and customs point, for accommodation, rest of people who performed organized transfer of knowledge and transport of goods in Asia and vice versa. Such a gathering place for acceptance, in the very south of Africa, is located around the Blombos Cave, where Zeta Macedonia is written with an age of 100,000 years. Indigenous Macedonians from the Indonesian island of Java built a science-accepting center for goods on the banks of the Solo River, where they exchanged products. This trading post is 500,000 years old. An inscription was found on a river shell with the following text: "He sees Macedonia OR, just like Zeta". In this way, the smart white Macedonian transmitted the scientific achievements through the World of Macedonia, which is called the Great Zeta Macedonia. On the Danube in the area of Gradeshnica we have a scientific shopping center with an age of 7000 years. where the inscription "PIR MACEDONIAN" was found. In Lepenski vir and Vinca 6,500 gr. Macedonian era. Zeta Macedonia in the time of the ruler Iht Zet, Macedonian Peninsula. In the sanctuary, a cave in Vindija (modern-day Croatia) 34,000 years ago. Macedonian era. There is a cultural center, where there is an inscription Zeta Macedonia. Macedonians will establish a similar center for the flow of knowledge and goods in central Zeta Macedonia Europe.

"Scientists have no idea what engraved shapes mean; they could be abstract art or they could be some kind of map. "What they are convinced of, however, is that the labels were intentionally created."
"We will never know the significance of the design of the creator or the Neanderthals who inhabited the cave," Paul Paul Tacon, a rock art expert, told the Associated Press.
In my opinion, the engraving is a Macedonian ligature on which it is written from right to left: "ILICHIT SN EYLO". Meaning: "Bad weather puts a lot of pressure." This inscription as a Macedonian ligature tells us about the frequent "storms" - storms accompanied by rain. In fact, the raving is an abstract depiction of a rainstorm. The Macedonian word "OLUJE" is related to the verb POLIVA, the root is OLI = oleva, sheds, creates, rain and sun rays, LI = pours, something strong. It is a Macedonian word, which is found in the deciphered texts, has its place in the collection, which is found in the books "Zeta Macedonia volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5",







22.05.2019 Г.



Од македонската митологија, наречена грчка, синот на богот Македон е БЕР. Познати се топонимите БЕРОВО, БЕР, БЕРАНЕ, БЕРЛИНА, БЕРН, БЕРЛИН и др.


“I’m a Macedonian, with Macedonian awareness, and as such I have my own Macedonian fatherland...”
(Krste Petkov Misirkov was a Macedonian philologist, historian and ethnographer. He affirmed the existence of a Macedonian national identity and attempted to codify a standard Macedonian language. 
Krste Petkov Misirkov was born on 18 November 1874 - 26 July 1926 in the village of Postol, Aegean Macedonia. The village is not far from ancient Macedonian capital Pella).

Долгогодишното истражување и проучување на артефакти низ целата Земјина топка, ни дава неисцрпен материјал за понатамошни истражувања и констатации, кои се однесуваат на положбата на Македониа, како центар на Македонскиот Полуостров, а пак тој е центар на Зета Македонија Европа.
Македониа не е само географски во центарот на Зета Македониа Европа, туку таа е во центарот на изворот на светската култура, јазик и писмо, со најстаро име и држава на светот и на сите пет континенти. Македониа е ИЗВОР НА НАУКАТА, ЈАЗИКОТ, ПИСМОТО И ВЕРАТА.




The third component of the light trinity is God's seed, which represents the divine spirit and that spirit is the divine spirit MACEDON.

THE SECOND TRINITY derives from the word MAKEDON, and that is:
"MA" meaning "M'A" or "MOA" – my light IL.
"KE" meaning Mother Earth Makedonka.

"DON" meaning donor of god's seed, and that is LORD - RULER MACEDONIAN. By giving god's seed to the bride he is the savior of God's kin LAVROD. Also, Lord - Ruler Macedonian donated his mind and the word of God to his subjects, who cultivate the land for the needs of Lords - Rulers Macedonians.
So, the second trinity or earthly material trinity consists of the transmitter of the divine spirit – Sunray IL, Mother Earth "KE" and Lords - Rulers Macedonians.
Let us explain the relationship of the Holy or Light Trinity with the Earthly Material Trinity. It is clear that the God Father Sun ILI with his brightness and warmth every morning saves us from the dark and cold NIGHT. He saves his own children on daily basis. The God through his power for fertilization saves his own kin. From XXII of March he fertilizes Mother Earth Makedonka, who will give birth to the entire living world called "IS" – "ISUS” (“JESUS”)," "RIS" – "RISTO" (there is a well-known saying "Risto is born" or "Christ is Born"). God ILI does all of this for his son MACEDON. Citat Zeta Macedonia ст. 468



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