22.12.2019 г.
Zeta Macedonia North Overseas Nortnern Blossom, USA. The stone inscription belongs to the Macedonian civilization. The content of the article is part of the Macedonian Faith Rebirth - Reincarnation. According to textual analysts, its author and age do not coincide with the Macedonian script language and religion. The age of the articles is 500,000 - 100,000 g.

Virginia USA
The Little Mountain petroglyph site, Nottoway county, VA. The site has a Mississippian (ca 1200-1400 CE) engraved bird track, hand and possible sun glyph. The glyphs are in shadow all year until winter solstice.
Zeta Macedonia Pirinejska, SPANISH.
The decoded text with drawing-ligature of Ilion as son of God ILI, though it represents the man Macedon, Ilion, Zet, IS-Isus, Hermes, Don Dion, Dionysius undoubtedly represents God's Son also, Macedon-Asclepius or KURILO, that is, DOCTOR or a HEALING PLACE.

The Little Mountain petroglyph site, Nottoway county, VA. The site has a Mississippian (ca 1200-1400 CE) engraved bird track, hand and possible sun glyph. The glyphs are in shadow all year until winter solstice.
Zeta Macedonia North Overseas Nortnern Blossom, Virginia, USA. The stone inscription belongs to the Macedonian civilization. The content of the article is part of the Macedonian Faith Rebirth - Reincarnation. According to textual analysts, its author and age do not coincide with the Macedonian script language and religion. The age of the articles is 500,000 - 100,000 g.

Ак'л, акал = УМ ( на турски акил = ум) Умот, душата или знаењето пристига од Богот Сонце ИЛ - Илија кај единствениот ИС - Исус, тој е всушност Единствениот Зет, Дон, Дион, Дионис, Хермес, Асклепиј, Куртиш, Кокопели, Св. Пантелејмон, Св. Никола, Дедо Мраз.
The same inscription can be found in modern-day France, Zeta Macedonia, Volume II, page 216.
„84/5. 'The first educational system' Zeta Macedonia Nania
Laugerie Haute, (present-day France), 15,000 y.mcd.era.b.c.
Fig. 284 -France - IL U K’L
It is read from right to left, and transcribed into contemporary Macedonian it means:
This artefact is an evident example and proof for an educational system and literacy from
15,000 years ago of Macedonian era. It is proof for the existence of knowledge or science, for the
existence of people transferring knowledge to younger generations and of social organisation which
took care of the entire system.“
Quote from the book Zeta Macedonia.
[1] http://donsmaps.com/ninthcave.html,
пристапено на 05.04.2014.