39 California

23.03.2020 г.


  California is Zeta Macedonia

A fragment of a rock drawing measuring 253x150 cm. This drawing is a representation of a part of the Macedonian Faith Revival – Reincarnation. This rock drawing was discovered in 1993. It was recorded under the CA-TRI-1 label at the Eel River canyon in Trinity County, California. The toponym for the Trinity area might have originated with the indigenous population, we do not know that at this time. The toponym Trinity is a Macedonian word meaning THREE THREADS, or the low ground in this area is cut by three threads or tributaries, on the right side of the Eel River, and they are Van Duzen, North Fork and Middle Fork.



                                          Eel River in Trinity County, California, Lake-Wailaki District.

In the upper reaches of the Eel River, in the Lake-Wailaki district, an abundance of artifacts of earth and stone and two rock drawings made in six discrete styles have been discovered. Until the middle of the nineteenth century, the native Wailaki people lived in the area. The toponym Wailaki hides amazing knowledge.

The noun Wailaki is composed of two words WAI and LAKI. The word “wai” is the root of the word vaistina with the meaning of truth, or “wai” means: Crying out due to pain or sorrow. Crying out when you feel or find out something unexpected, similar to “wow”. In the Turkish language, WAY is Macedonism. The second word “Laki” is a village in the district of Vinica, Republic of Macedonia. The word laki is also pronounced as “laka” meaning: Wet place by a riv
er with good pasture, meadow by the river. In Macedonia, the Lakavica River is famous for the fertile meadows along its course. According to this analysis, we can conclude that the word Wailaki is a Macedonian meaning: Wow beautiful meadows by the river. The population was engaged in fishing and agriculture. As part of their Faith Reincarnation, they organized a deer hunt, the symbol of the sun. In fact, the indigenous people of this area, as well as throughout America, even 500,000 years ago were Macedonian, with its own script, faith, language and culture. Of course, for thousands of years, the Macedonian population has mingled with other indigenous tribal communities, from which today's descendants of the Macedonians, the MAYA people, will emerge.



The drawing is a drawing-ligature, they are personified in one character, the father sun Elijah and the mother Planet Macedonia. The rectangular shape is actually the territory ruled by the Father Sun with his son the young Zet from March 22, which means that the territory is Zeta Macedonia

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