Macedonian alphabet, numbers, language, and faith of Reincarnation. The Blossom script is called Cyrillic and
Latin, and the spring digits are called Roman and Arabic. The Macedonianfaith is the basis of all religions in the world, which
have twisted dates, names and misinterpretations. The stone drawing is from
Zeta Macedonia Pyrenees, today so-called Spain.
At the junction of the two gorges that form the Rambla
del Gergal, is the prehistoric town of Peñón de las Juntas, and
near the town, under the slate rock supports, there are five surface rock
drawings, two of which have been the subject of classical study by researcher Julian Martinez Garcia, and the other three
are waiting to be part of a study that results in advanced anthropomorphic
iconography with a tendency towards closed geometric bodies. Shelters of Roca
del Almendralejo. Sierra de los Filabres. Andaraks river basin. Almeria.
Schematic representation of rock art from the southeast of the peninsula.

Stylized figures are drawn on the rock, with high
artistic, practical and symbolic value. The drawings are part of the Macedonian
faith in Reincarnation. The ligature is used as an artistic expression. The
ligature is with letters and numbers, used to draw a drawing or make a figure,
and thus, according to certain regions, the style changes. The stylized form in
an artistic manner, so by using the Macedonian language, letters, numbers and
faith, Macedonians represent their culture for eternal times, born in Macedonia
and spread around the world with the Macedonian Don, Dion, Dionysus. This
technique is still practiced today, and is at least 500,000 years old.
Drawing analysis:
1. In the very birth of the universe by the Great
Mother Elena, today called, as a parallel mother Paraskeva, St. Petkam she will
give birth to Macedon in the universe. He arrives from space, like a DIV – Giant, the mortal God,
called Lord. He was born in the small town of the Giants DIVLJE, near Skopje,
Republic of Macedonia. 1. SON ILI.
2. The figure of a mother under number 2 represents Planet
Macedonia, on December 21st, the thirtieth day, when the solstice
begins. In three days, on December 25th, the Little DIV – Makedon will be born,
four months before the birth of the new year, on March 21st, when
Makedon will be an adult and will be nominated for Zet. He will fertilize his
Bride. Symbolically he fertilizes planet Macedonia, after which IS - ISUS is
born, the living nature... The little DIV is the young sun, the longest night
occurs when he dies, and the day increases starting from December 25th.
From that day until December 21st, the Macedonian people will light
fires – stakes, where they will burn the Zets,
rulers in certain regions throughout Planet Macedonia. They will be angels
messengers of the Sun God. That angel in Christianity will be called Angel
Michael, and will convey the personal and social prayers of the Macedonians. In
the Middle Ages, the alienated Macedonians would use the stake to destroy
witches. In fact, these people were suffering from the mental illness Ergotism,
caused by the Ergot fungus, which is found in rotten rye flour. Macedonian
patriots, who opposed the new wrong religion of Christianity, were also burned
at the stake.
3. Drawing no. 3 represents the sun. The drawing
reads: “SONCE, S’L SI JSNO LITI (Transcribed; “Sun, just shine bright and
fly”). With this saying the sun is cheered on, it is begged to shine brightly
and to increase the day, beginning from December 25th.
4. Drawing No. 4 is a stake preparation. The Zet is
already tied to the wings of heaven, like the Angel Michael. People have
gathered around him, to hand over their requests for him to convey them to the
Sun God. Among them are his mother Maria, Madona, the Mother of God, Planet
Macedonia. In fact, these figures are stylized Blossom letters, reading: “L’T
ISO I SIAL” (Transcribed: “Fly Iso and shine”).
5. Drawing no. 5 shows the stake burning. Iso is
transformed into flaming tongues traveling towards the sun. He turns into the
bird Phoenix. At the foot of the stake there is a text reading Z’T ISO
(Transcribed: “Zet Isus”, meaning Son-in-law Jesus.
6. Inscription no. 6 says: “IT IS”. This inscription
indicates that the birth of winter or IS – Isus from the 25th of
December is being hinted at.
7. Inscription no. 7 indicates that the Zet will “US” –
“fall asleep”, dream, sleep, until December 25th – when he’ll wake
up in “DZ’L” – gaze.
8. Drawing no. 8 shows the Phoenix bird. Its gaze “DZ'L”
will now fly off like a phoenix, “L’TO” – will fly, “S’UJ” – with ujam, preduja
or kapar (advance), in fact the sacrifice of Zet Iso. From the flame the bird
Phoenix appears, reincarnating into a new life.
Macedonians sang and danced during the rituals. The Zet
goes to the stake with joy. A transcribed text is written, in verses for which
a melody will be made.
– The singer is a priest
telling a story
– A young man, who has been ZET for two years.
– Is inscribed
into a wooden cross. Around him are sticks.
son of light. – The sticks are put to fire, strong flame –
fire appears.
your word fly away. – The
priest encourages him to fly with the fire to the Sun.
Macedonia, – The event happens in Macedonia. A ritual is
– sacrifice on a
stake for a greater yield in agriculture.
rays he shines – The Zet is Iso – Isus. His flame, in which his
towards the sun. – and his soul
dwell is travelling towards the sun.
With the cross on a stake, – The priest – story-teller is
sprout he sees. –
“He’s already feeling spring, Nature is sprouting”.
you Firebird!
– From the stake the Firebird appears – Phoenix.
word is born. – The priest shouts “Macedonian word is
Son Ile
you Firebird.
The Western-European archeologists and analysts consider
that these drawings are just a piece of art, which are “monstrous human figures”. Unlike the individuals who
think differently that is a letter with а determined language. Actually the drawings are transmitting secret
messages from the Macedonian faith of the Truth in Macedonian language and Cyrillic
letter. The message on the drawing is clear, the God Sun ILIJA (Elijah) with
his son Macedon.
Georgeos Díaz-Montexano Más que incomprensibles
representaciones de monstruosos seres humanoides medio humano medio
golondrinas, que solo ven algunos arqueólogos, cada vez somos más los que vemos
signos geométricos y lineales simples que se combinan formando anagramas de
acuerdo a cierta sintaxis para formar palabras y, por tanto, mensajes, es
decir, signos de una proto-escritura que hasta podemos leer o entender en no
pocos casos.
Antropomorfos singulares de tipo golondrina con dos barras
horizontales y paralelas entre el tronco y los brazos.
Importantes paralelos entre la fases más esquemáticas del
Arte Sureño y del arte rupestre de Sierra Morena que apuntan a un mismo
horizonte artístico. La primera imagen pertenece a la Cueva del collado de la
Ginesa en un creston cuarcítico sobre el río Despeñaperros en el norte de Jaen
y la segunda a la cueva del Altozano en un refugio areniscoso sobre el río
Hozgarganta en el sur de Cádiz. Arte esquemático calcólitico ibérico.

Recently in the Facebook-group Arte
Sureño. El Arte Rupestre del Estrecho de Gibraltar was posted this
drawing-ligature, in Peña Escrita, Granada, present-day Spain in the region of
Zeta Macedonia Pyrenean.
On that drawing-ligature is written:
“IL’S SIE SILU XXII”, which transcribed into modern Macedonian language means: The
Sun shines with the power from 22-nd of March. Here it is about the Sun and the
sunrays and their power from 22-nd of March, the beginning of the spring. The
power of the sunrays which are fertilizing the Planet Macedonia is indisputable. The divine spirit ILION is placed in the lightness and
the heat, but in the Mother Planet Macedonia is placed the Macedonian spirit
Macedon. From the both spirits from 22-nd of March is born IS, the whole living
nature. On 22-nd of March according to the Macedonian logical thought where the
science received the God Father Sun ILIJA for the creation of the world is
placed, the Macedonians through a ritual ceremony in a form of a personification
are disseminating to their people, but also to the other tribal groups all
around the world. On 22-nd of March in the observatory Kokino, Republic of
Macedonia, the new Zet (son-in-law) will be nominated and he will become the divinated Sir, Lord, God on the Planet Macedonia, mortal GOD. The Zet (son-in-law),
the mortal God will marry the Bride Macedonia and will fertilize her when on 21-st
of December IS will be born, R’S – JESUS,the rising day.
The so-called scientists –
archeologists consider that in the Stone Age all around the world the drawings
on stone and soil were just some kind of an art, but not and literacy. That is
because of the fact of the wrong Darwin’s theory, acknowledge of the Macedonian
letter – Cyrillic and the Macedonian language, just like the desire of
forgetting the Macedonian culture and considering that is West-European.
However, Mr. Georgeos
Díaz-Montexano agrees with the Branko Sotirovski’s constitution who is the
author of the book “Zeta Macedonia” and says that on this drawing he could find
words according to him such as: from left to right – yh (ze) – “this is the
God” or “here (that is or lives) God”. We can agree with his interpretation
because the word ZE (DZE) in the Macedonian language means a glaze. That is the
divine glaze – DZEUS. The man’s principle of the God Sun ILI.

At the peninsula Zeta Macedonia Pyrenean (present-day
Spain), are found numerous inscriptions that are proving the existence of the
Macedonian culture; language; literacy, faith and science at least 500.000
years ago which is speared on five continents.
One of those inscriptions is also the inscription that was
found in the Cave of Bacinete in Cadiz, present-day Spain. On the inscription
is presented a young deer that is a personification of the young Sun from 25-th
of December. The inscription is made into a form of a ligature where is written
from left to right: “IL S’N IT”, transcribed into modern Macedonian language means:
The young deer that is a personification the young Sun,
actually is the son of the God Sun – Jesus.

In the south of
the peninsula Zeta Macedonia Pyrenees (present-day Spain) is a chain of Macedonian
shrines – caves in which figures of animals, abstract representations of men
and Macedonian BLOSSOM script (Cyrillic and Latin) were painted, presenting
Macedonian monotheistic faith in the word of the truth of the unique GOD Sun ILI.
One of that caves is the cave Cueva de la Pileta, which is
placed in Malaga, Spain. Where is found the following deciphered inscription in
a form of a drawing-ligature. Along this inscription, there had been found and
many other inscriptions presented in a form of a drawing-ligatures with the
Macedonian letter (Cyrillic and Latin). Such as: paintings of goats, cattles, horses and ext. According to the
East Europeans, the larger paintings are 35.000-20.000 years old. But also,
according to them, the following deciphered inscription is actually a painting
which is presenting a man-bird.
The deciphered inscription is: “UJ IS ISHT’ PT’CA IT’SI DZE”,
which translated into a modern Macedonian language means: THE NEW SUN IS – ISUS

According to the language, literacy and culture we concluded that Europeans are Slav Macedonians. Spaniards are Slav Macedonians, but there are not Greek. This tradition is with a continuity of 500.000 y.
On the deciphered inscription, posted on the Facebook group Arte Sureño. El Arte Rupestre del Estrecho de Gibraltar by Tomas Linares, is written: "SEJ ILI S L'M ILIJA" or transcribed on modern Macedonian language it ,it means: "SOW ILI WITH LOM (SUN RAY) ILIJA".

Macedonians have always had their own monotheistic faith of the TRUTH. It is a faith and belief in the only God Father Son ILI, the Goddess Mother of God Maria, Madona, Planet Macedonia and faith in the divine spirit Macedon. The divine spirit Macedon represents light. Macedonians who are word-aware, today called Slavs, regard light as transmitter of energy, in the form of science, script, faith and music. It is super concentrated light, which is the divine spirit Macedon, it is lightning DZE-DZEUS. They place light – divine spirit Macedon as a wall conjunction between the sacred and the secular trinity. These are the megalithic walls, which are located on five continents and under all seas. In the Republic of Macedonia, the wall "Divine Spirit Macedon" is known near the town of Vila Zora – Bela Zora (White Dawn), today called Sveti Nikole, meaning the Light of the Sun.

Megalithic wall DIVINE SPIRIT MACEDON, Sveti Nikole, Republic of Macedonia 500,000 y.
It is placed on a sedimentary rock, which serves as a foundation between the Bogoslovec mountain and the river Bregalnica.
The Bogoslovec mountain is a pyramid of the Holy Trinity between: Sun God Sun ILI, spring Don-river and the divine spirit Macedon.
The river – DON Bregalnica personifies Mother Planet Macedonia or the secular trinity between:
Sunray IL, Planet Macedonia and God, Lord Macedon.
In addition to the megalithic walls, the Macedonians have many types of light representations with personification. One of the ways of representing light is representation with a capricorn. Records in the form of drawings and drawing-ligatures of a capricorn can be found on five continents. The Great Mother of the Universe, Elena, will immortalize the capricorn with an untouchable record into space. It's the constellation Capricorn.

South constellation Capricorn, born of the Great Mother Elena, birth-giver of the universe.
The white Capricorn for the Macedonians is the materialization of the super-matter light, and the light is the divine spirit Macedon. It is a heavenly creature angel, а heavenly melody, the embodiment of beauty, kindness, boldness and courage. It is a symbol of force, disobedience and freedom. Light IL – the Capricorn is a deity SE called PAN (full, ample, “P'N”). Every year on December 25th at the time of the Constellation Capricorn a new light, the young Sun is born. It is born when the new day increases, and the night decreases. The young Sun and the new day of December 25th which increases is called GROWTH OF THE DAY (RAST NA DENOT or R'ST, Ristos, Christ.
In Zeta Macedonia Pyrenees, today called Spain, the district Cueva de las Palomas IV Tarifa. Arte Sureño neolítico. El arte rupestre del Campo de Gibraltar is rich in drawings and drawing-ligatures on rocks. These records represent a huge treasury of Macedonian religious messages, prayers and scientific thoughts, left by the autochthonous Macedonian people in that area. The present-day Spaniards are, in fact, descendants of the Macedonians. There is lot of evidence for this claim. The evidence is presented through Macedonian science with Macedonian language, script and faith Macedonian, throughout the entire Zeta Macedonia Pyrénées.
Such is the case with the inscription from the cave Palomas IV of Tarifa. The drawing-ligature reads: „МСНИ ЈАРЕЦ, УШТЕ СИЕ С’ ИЛ“ (“MSNI JAREC, USHTE SIE S’ IL”). This inscription represents to us the dialect word "MSNI" used to this day in the Republic of Macedonia, meaning: strike, fertilize. This refers to the strike of the Capricorn with both horns, a symbol of both worlds: the upper and lower one. The capricorn as a symbol of concentrated energy – the lightning, Macedonian people pray for a fertilizing strike in the form of lightning. The tree of eternity is presented as a ligature onto which “USHTE” (“MORE”) is written. With this word, the author points to us the fact of the power of light. After the lightning strike and the coming rain, the sun will still shine, which will contribute to the development and growth of life.

Deciphered text from the drawing-ligature from the cave Palomas IV, Tarifa, Zeta Macedonia Pyrenees (present-day Spain)
Macedonians personify the day that increases with a person called IS – ISUS, and with the animal of the cat family – lynx. The name of the lynx comes from the Macedonian root "Leuk", meaning: light, glow, L'S, R'S, RIS, RISTOS – because of the glow of his eyes.
Coin of the Republic of Macedonia. The obverse contains a representation of the Macedonian lynx.
The name of the lynx comes from the Macedonian root "Leuk", which means:
light, glow, L'S, R'S, RIS, RISTOS – because of the glow of his eyes.
Coins with the look of Alexander III Macedonian, surrounded by seven stars –
Macedonian shield on the obverse, on the head he has two horns of a Capricorn, symbol of the two worlds:
the upper and the lower. This tradition leads a root from the Stone Age of the Macedonian people,
at least 500.000 years ago.
Alexander III Macedonian called himself as a God Sun. With the horns of a Capricorn, he is showing his holiness as a master of the two worlds: the upper and the lower.
To be continued…
Zeta Macedonia Pyrenean (present-day Spain).
Similar to this inscription which presents the way of the soul which travels from the Planet Macedonia towards to the Sun and from the Sun towards to the Planet Macedonia, we also find in Ilina Gora, Upper sanctuary, Osinchani, near Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 7,000 – 6,000 years Maced. era before Christianity where is written: „The Macedonian BLOSSOM alphabet and the Macedonian language
of the SUN were used to write: “KRESHT SE SI
Upper sanctuary, Osinchani, near Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
The inscription is a cultural monument of Macedonian
people and is a testimony of the ceremonial funeral rites, of the journey of
body and soul to the Sun. Using fire as a symbol of the Sun and flames as a
symbol of sunrays, souls sail towards the Sun for purification, and through the
rays with the help of divine lightning, are transmitted in the centre of the
spiral, where they multiply – resurrect, called “KRESHT” in heaven as divine
spirit Macedon. The divine spirit
Macedon, entered the VSELENA (universe) with the help of divine lightning DZE
and the deer, as a symbol of the sunray, using the “adzil’k” (gaze through the
rainbow), arrives in Macedonia – Paradise as sunray, music with Macedonian rhythm, space dust,
dew, sprinkle or fertilizer.
The word “KRESHT” means “RESURRECT”. The Lord – God
Macedonian placed on a pyre sails off to the Sun, but in order to resurrect
again. This inscription indicates the ritual of resurrection, rebirth and
reincarnation.” - Excerpt from the book Zeta Macedonia 400,000 years of literacy, p. 98.

Jesus's heart - the heart of mother Planet Macedonia.

Present-day Europeans, as Macedonian people and Macedonian letter
BLOSSOM, which presents the Macedonian monotheistic faith in the REAL letter of
the only GOD Sun ILI, the mother Maria, Madona-ruler, the Planet Macedonia and
the divine son Zetot (son-in-law), Macedon, The Only, Son-in-law, Don, Dion,
Dionis, Hermes, Asklepij, Alexander, Ptolomej, St. Nicolas, Jesus.

The Macedonian area Iberija, present-day Spain, a part of the
Macedonian territory Zeta Macedonia Europe. Of this territory was living autochthonic
Macedonian people. Macedonian culture was blossoming at least 1,2 million years
ago. According to this evidence 40.000 years ago and according to the book “Zeta
Macedonia”, in Republic of Macedonia, in Zeta Macedonia Europe and wider at
least 500.000 years ago. The word Iberija is a Macedonian toponуm, which means:
I-BER-ija, BER is the son of the Macedonian God, from the Macedonian mythology
Zeta Macedonia Pyrenean (present-day so-called Spain).
Macedonian inscription – drawing-ligature, 14.000 years, Campo de
Macedonian faith in the Sun and the Cosmos.
At the south of the peninsula Zeta
Macedonia Pyrenean (present-day Spain), is located chain of Macedonian
temples – caves where are drawn figures of animals, abstract performance of a human and
Macedonian letter – BLOSSOM, which presents the Macedonian monotheistic faith
in the right letter of the only GOD Sun ILI, mother Maria Madon-ruler, Macedonia
and the divine son Zet (bride’s husband), Macedon, The only one, Hermes, Jesus.
White man Macedon from always had lived on the whole
territory of todays called Europe, as on the other continents. Today’s scientists
with their theory, as an assumption, they consider that there was an ape. He
was self-created at one human settlement and he speared on the whole Planet Macedonia.
Mysteriously he turned himself into a white man. He migrated from one territory
to another. Every human group was going and returning from everywhere, and the scientists
don’t know from where. They consider that only the today’s German people came
from nowhere and they were created from nothing by themselves. The European
culture is a successor of the Roman
and non-existing Greek culture
without any root.
Unlike the todays “scientific” knowledges, in the book Zeta
Macedonia, inscriptions on the monuments of the culture are processed, which
were found on five continents. Scientifically is presented the knowledge of the
BLOSSOM letter (Cyrillic and Latin) and the SPRING numbers, MACEDONIAN
language, monotheistic faith in the mother Maria-Madona, ruler, Macedonia,
father Sun Elijah and the son after father Ilion and after mother Macedon. The
faith is practiced with the universal musical rhythm 7/8 (the base of all
rhythms in the world). According to this, the white man Macedon at least
500.000 years ago is a founder and porter of the world science and culture.
He presented the scientific knowledges through the
monotheistic faith. He built temple made out of wood and stone. He used the
configuration of the area, numerous caves, as temples of Maria-Madona
Macedonia, where the young Sun on 25-th of December is reincarnated, as a
son-in-law (ZET), IS, RIS, RISTOS, JESUS, the only HERMES.
Judeans will use this Macedonian faith. They will collect
the Macedonian scientists who will write the Bible, where we meet the noun
Macedonia for 36 times. They will proclaim that IS-ISUS (JESUS) is born in
Nazareth, present-day Israel. Actually, IS-ISUS (JESUS) is born in every cave
as a Macedonian temple around the whole Planet Macedonia. In a lack of
mountains where are caves, Macedonians built artificial mountains, pyramids, with underground corridors and rooms.
The territory of Zeta Macedonia Pyrenean (present-day
Spain), is full of Macedonian temples. One of the most famous areas are the
South part of Zeta Macedonia Ilion, Arna, Malaga, Giblartar. That area is full
of caves, Macedonian temples, where are inscriptions. The decrypted
inscriptions are presented on the web-site.

Транскрибирано на современ македонски јазик гласи:
Transcribed on Macedonian modern language and translated on English language says:


Fertilizing power of the Sun

Author: Branko Sotirovski - (Sūkè ) 苏克