

Zeta Macedonia Vindia (present-day India)

A deity of LOOK-VEDI or VINDI

On the Javadhu Hills in the area Vellore in Tamil Nadu, Mr. Ramesh found processed stones in a shape of wedges.
Scientific team assumed they had been made around 5.000 years ago, “when people started to breeding agricultural crops”. According to my opinion, this processed stones are older than is assumed. If we take into consideration the found artifacts, which are 130.000 years old, in Patne, India, where is written “ZETA MACEDONIA BY YOUR FATHER-IN-LAW. ILI I VO FROM UPRISING. WITH ILJO FATHER-IN-LAW” (Processed in the book “Zeta Macedonia, 400.000 years of literacy, Macedonian civilization on five continents, tradition up to now”, pg. 258). Or with the found artefact in Indonesia, on the island Java, which is 500.000 years old, where is written: “The engraving ligature, from right to left reads: „АТ’З Л’С, СЛИ ИЅ НОДАМ“ < (“AT’Z L’S, SLI IDZ NODAM” <)
Transcribed into contemporary Macedonian language it says: “MADON, MADONIA, MACEDONIA VIDENA E OD SVETLOSNIOT ZRAK SAMO OD ZETOT“ (“MADON, MADONIA, MACEDONIA IS SEEN BY THE LIGHT RAY ONLY BY THE ZET“) – the young sun from XXV December and XXII March.” (Extract from thebook “Zeta Macedonia, 500.000 years of literacy, Macedonian civilization onfive continents, tradition up to now”, digital edition, published on the, pg. 16)

Macedonians as autochthon people on the territory of present-day Asia since ever, since they became aware for themselves and the environment, were breeding animals and agricultural crops. They had own letter (Cyrillic and Latin), language (called SANSKRIT), faith in mother Maria, Madona – ruler, Macedonia, Father Sun ILIJA and the son Macedon, and culture of living. That is the period of the greatest globalizer of the world, the bride’s husband (ZET) – DON, DION, DIONIS. Indonesia and India are heirs of that oldest, Macedonian culture in the world.
People from the village Keezhallur, called this conical stones as “sami kal”, and they considered them as a deity. They used them for soil treatment and for cultivation of rice plantations. The stones had been carved into a shape of sun ray and the sunny fertilizing GAZE into the MUD. At the end of the workmanship of the wedges, which were used as a plow, they sanctified them with a ritual on the shore of the holy river, which flowed in that village. With the wedges, they wrote the holy message to the God Sun, which means: From right to left reads: “INUDZ LI I <” and from left to right reads: “I DZIIL…”. Transcribed into contemporary Macedonian language it says: “AND IL LOOKED THORUGH THE RAINBOW”. The inscription has 21 grooves, which presents the 21-st of December, the beginning of the new year and 21-st of March, the beginning of spring. This tools are proof of the great scientific achievements and skills, arrived from Macedonia, at least 500.000 years ago. Macedonians in that area made revolution in science in the other tribal communities. Macedonian people with their science, literacy and faith, on that territory, from the other tribal communities, considered as deity, Lord on the ground called LOOK-VEDI or VINDI).
The Javadhu Hills (also Jawadhi, Jawadhu Hills) are an extension of the Eastern Ghats (discontinuous range of mountains along India's eastern coast), spread across parts of Vellore and Tiruvannamalai districts in the northern part of the state of Tamil Nadu in southeastern India.This range separates Vellore and Tiruvannamalai districts. Vellore district lies on the north western side and Tiruvannamalai district lies on the south eastern side of this range.

According to the Indian “scientists”, “So-called “centre” for sharpening polished Neolithic (stone) tools made about 5,000 years ago has been found near the Keezhanur hamlet on the Javadi hills in Vellore district of Tamil Nadu. Here are made 21 grooves, which the Neolithic man sharpened the edges of his polished stone axes when they got blunted after usage in cultivation. The shallow, trough-shaped grooves were formed by his constantly sharpening the tools against the rock surface.
R. Ramesh, a field researcher under the University Grants Commission-Special Assistance Programme, Department of History, Pondicherry University, found these grooves on February 16 during explorations on the Javadi hills, five km north of Pudur Nadu. This is the first time that grooves used for sharpening stone axes have been found in Tamil Nadu. They have been found at Sangnakallu-Kupagal in Bellary district, Karnataka.

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