

                                    ZETA MACEDONIA MANCHURIA – Inner Mongolia





Stone-Walled City-Site of the  Xiajiadian at Sanzuodian in Chifeng City, placed in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, previously known as Manchuria (Manchuria is a Macedonian toponym with a meaning: Mother - soil supporter)




In Northeast China, which is located in Southeastern Inner Mongolia, Northern Hebei and Western Liaoning, China. Accroding to the archeological discoveries, the autochthonic population from this region, at least 4.000 years ago, were working with farming and stockbreeding. They were cultivated Proso millet and they kept domesticated animals such as swine, sheep, large livestock, dogs and other. The hunting of wild animals was developed in the way of having fun and religious rituals. The population was densely populated.
There were found artefacts made out of stone, bones and ceramic, but also were found golden and leaden objects, bows, jade, copper and bronze artefacts, mostly of the founded artefacts made out of copper and bronze were earrings.
The people were excellent builders of defensive walls and houses made out of stone and mud. The walls are not thick. The walls with sentries were built into a sandwich of stone and earthen nucleus. There were found around 50 fortified locations in that area.



                                        The walls strengthen with sentries, the Chifeng region, Inner Mongolia.



The international collaborative archeological researching project (CICARP), (Chifeng 2003; Linduff et al., 2004), realized detailed reaserch in the Chifeng region. The region is characterizing with a hilly topography (550-1500 meters above the sea level) cut with wide valleys.  




                                                    MACEDONIAN INSCRIPTION ON A CLAY PANEL


4.000 years old symbols found on a ceramic panel. The ceramic panel is dug out from the ruins of the Lower Xiajiadian Culture in the city of Chifeng.
The ruins, with a surface above 10.000 square meters, were dug out by the institute and the university Jilan.  Their opinion is that: “The symbols written on bones around 3.000 years ago in the dynasty Shang, could be descend from the ceramic inscription found in this locality”.
Their assumption is that words which are written on the panel are connected with sacrificial activities.


                                                      4.000 years old symbols found on a ceramic panel.
                                                         Photo by:, Xinhua, February 12, 2018

The clay panel written with ink, for the scientists from China presents, according to their assumption, the oldest prove of the beginning of the forming the East-Asian symbols for communication. These are even older than the East-Asian (Chinese: 甲骨文) symbols written on a bone, found in the Yinxu site (in modern Anyang, Henan Province) 2.000 years of Macedonian era before renaming the Macedonian faith into a Christian religion.
These symbols according to the scientists from China are direct predecessors of present-day modern Chinese symbols.
The American missioner Frank H. Chalfant (1862-1914) in his book “The early Chinese writing” from 1906 y. In his books, he is writing about the genesis of the Chinese symbols based on one assumption that there was no letter before the Chinese symbols. According to him, the symbols were created by the stylization of the objects from the nature.
Chinese scientists are completely right when they tell that these symbols are the beginning the production of the Chinese symbols. Why? Because the autochthonic population not only in East Asia, but also in the whole Asia are the authors of the Chinese symbols. The found artifacts by the archaeologists are presenting a material evidence of a highly developed culture. Their existence is determined by scientists from all around the world. In that way we are coming to a conclusion for the beginnings of the cultural development. On the artifacts could be recognized drawings, symbols, abstract geometric pictures and figures. Mostly the forms are made with the BLOSSOM letters (Cyrillic and Latin) in the form of a LIGATURE, as a secret message to the creator, which is prove of the highly developed culture. The ligature could be decrypted only with the blossom letters and on Macedonian language which are forming words and thinking perceptions. According to this, we can surly conclude that the autochthonic population in Asia is the Macedonian people. They live in smaller tribal groups, who had accepted the Macedonian culture. The Macedonian script BLOSSOM (Cyrillic and Latin) and the way of writing on a small space with ligatures are the base of producing the East-Asian symbols.

On the clay is written: I U UJ ILI IS L’S”. Transcribed into a modern Macedonian language means: AND WITH THE NEW SUN – ILI IS SHOWING UP “IS-JESUS” INTO A FORM OF THE SUN RAYS “L’S”.



The book “Zeta Macedonia 400.000 years of literacy, Macedonian civilization on five continents, tradition up to now”, in the structure of the Macedonian culture is explaining the ancient Macedonian faith and script:


                                                                        “MACEDONIAN SCRIPT”  

The script and the language are created in accordance with nature, they are a natural phenome-non, they are memory of nature, and the script itself is a visual representation of speech. According to an interview of the researcher Odysej Belchevski, the language is “directly created from the concept for understanding nature. It is a genial, grandiose concept created precisely by nature.” “The starting point of general linguistic considerations by the Italian philosopher Benedetto Croce is in the human cognition, whereby he differentiates between logical and intuitive knowledge. According to him, the logical cognition is the result of intelligence, thereby obtaining a notion, and the intuitive cognition is the result of imagination, thereby obtaining image.”
If speech arose from nature, from natural phenomena, then the shape of the letters also comes from nature, from the Sun and the sunrays and from physical and geometrical laws. This undoubtedly points to the fact that the people who saw it, possessed intelligence and is aware to recognize natural laws and phenomena on the basis of which grasps and creates signs for marking sounds, which have SACRED character. They arise from geometrical symbols that are an abstract representation of nature and are explained below: point, line, cross, swastika, spiral, triangle, rectangle and pyramid. These symbols represent the basis on the sanctity of the Macedon kin and its faith, acting as ligatures, geometric images and bodies, with a certain text and message. These symbols are God’s letters and digits. The letters and the script are something sacred which brightens, enlightens, shines, pours, fertil-izes. They have spiritual power deriving from the absolute perfection of the laws of nature. It is one of the biggest benefits of civilization as a miracle of God and a key factor in establishing the great Zeta Macedonia. This divine gift is the main reason bot for the rapid development of education and culture, and for the transformation of Macedonia in one of the countries with the oldest civilization. Original symbols created the first letters and digits as part of the first language in the world – Macedonian, which is “ancient primeval language, evidenced by the fact that it contains all the laws of nature. This proto language was the medium through which nature had to express.” Ancient Macedo-nian and today’s modern language is like an echo or reverberation of nature, with a mystical linguistic content, which is in harmony with the form. There is nothing in nature, which is not in the language, the script, the form of the letters. The letters combined into words and translated into text, drawings and ligatures were commonly placed in holy places, plains, rocky areas or in caves and mountains. Very often shrines were made in the form of pyramids and cones, which had the fun-ction of artificial mountains.
Each sound is marked with a letter or sunray, as the utmost respect for the God Sun ILI- LE. The direction of reading is from right to left and vice versa from top to bottom and vice versa. The two ancient alphabets (slovarnici) (Cyrillic and Latin) can rightly be called MACEDONIAN SCRIPTS OF THE BLOSSOM, I.E. LETTERS OF SPRING, SINCE THE SUNRAY IS DIVINE SPIRIT MACEDON, AND AS A CAUSE AND STARTING POINT FOR SHAPING THE LETTER IT GIVES THEM THE CHARACTER OF BLOSSOM OR SOMETHING THAT bears FRUIT, I.E. WORD. – extract from the book, pg. 34.



Author: Branko Sotirovski - (Sūkè ) 苏克

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