Zeta Macedonia ILINA (Present-day Italy)


In 2004, the researcher Enzo Panzienza from the Paglici Learning Center, identified numerous post-Paleolithic engravings and images in good condition in the cave called Grotte del Riposo, located in Rignano Garganico, a town and commune of the province of Foggia, South Italy.


The Paglici Learning Center explains that in the gaps of these caves, they have found a series of figures that were painted in red. The other set of figures, which were also painted or engraved in those walls, had an enigmatic geometric style, which is very difficult to decipher. According to a study conducted by Enzo Pazienza, with the help of prof. Anrea Granada and his friend dr. Giovanni Barrela, it was found out that these figures could be associated with symbols of astronomical and territorial mapping, such as incisation of the swastika which was discovered at the Grotte del Riposo.

Other inscriptions on rocks and stones in Zeta Macedonia Ilina (present-day Italy) are found at the Castro Romanelli Cave (Lecce) 10.000 This cave is located in the Terra d’Otranto peninsula, Messapia, Calabria and Selantina. According to the written and linguistic documents, its name is Zeta Macedonia ILINA, with autochthonous Macedonian people 40,000 – 10,000 Here is found drawing-ligature of an engraved bull which is a symbol of the Macedonian people for the fertilising power of Sun God ILI–IL. The deciphered text is: “MACEDONIA DZ’TA and ILINA N’SHA and ILI TESHTA and TESHT”. Transcribed into contemporary Macedonian language it reads: “ZETA MACEDONIA OUR AND ILINA and or MOTHER-IN-LAW AND FATHER-IN-LAW”.

(Excerpt from the book “Zeta Macedonia, 400.000 years of literacy, Macedonian civilization on five continents, tradition up to now” from Branko Sotirovski on pg. 196-197)

But also, they are found at the Val Camonica Cave, 6.000 Val Camonica is a site with inscriptions on stone, situated in Lombardy, where the world’s largest collection of petroglyphs, i.e. drawing-ligatures can be found. There are over 140,000 symbols and figures from 10,000 years ago, for which scientists believe depict themes related to agriculture, navigation, war and magic. They can be used to make an ethnological and sociological profile of the mentality and customs of the people from that Macedonian epoch, which would be an important contribution to current science. Deciphered text: “S’ SIN S’S MAKEDON IL J L’S’S I S’L LUAS AL’L I SHUI J’S T’L T’L”. Transcribed into contemporary Macedonian language: “FOR THE SON. WITH MACEDON, IL I SINE AND ONLY FOR LUAS ALL AND WHISPER I SHE SHE.” In this text we find the personal noun Luas Al’l. We find God IL as a sunray and divine spirit Macedon. For the love of the Sun to the divine Madon and her son God Macedon. Visible is the recording of the year as twelve-month cycle.

(Excerpt from the book “Zeta Macedonia, 400.000 years of literacy, Macedonian civilization on five continents, tradition up to now” from Branko Sotirovski on pg. 197-198)



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