

Swedes are Macedonian people.



                                                               Macedonian boat of eternity, sun ray



A boat – Macedonian symbol of the infinitive time, sun ray for a transmission between the divine God Macedon, from the Sun towards to the Planet Macedonia and backwards, with the four periods of the heaven and the four periods of the Planet Macedonia. 1. Father Sun ILI. That is the old Sun from 22-nd of December. 2. The young Sun Zet (son-in-law) IS – JESUS from 25-th of December.


                                                            The four Macedonian boats of the time with the Sun Father ILI.

                                                           Tomás Setanta O'Sirideáin, Ancient Stones and Endless Stories






Zeta Macedonia Spring Wind (present-day Sweden)


The territory of northern Europe, under the name Zeta Macedonia “Spring Wind”, Macedonian epoch of Christianization in year 793, refers to today’s so-called countries: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, the Faroe Islands, Iceland, and Keitnes in Scotland, Greenland and Zeta Macedonia Overseas North-ern, Middle and South BLOSSOM (present-day America). Their existence is supported by written doc-uments, found in these territories with expired period of 4,000 - 3,000 y.mcd.era.b.c. The documents testify to their script, their science, art and faith. In a word, the so-called Vikings are actually Lords - Rulers Macedonians.

Lords - Rulers Macedonians – Vikings were excellent sailors. They knew all five continents as their territories for thousands of years, where they were settled and dealt in farming and crafts. This is illustrated by the numerous inscriptions on stone, terracotta etc., from Africa, Asia, Central China and Australia with expired period of 128,000 y.mcd.era.b.c, Blombos 75,000 y.mcd.era.b.c., China 3,000 y.mcd.era.b.c. Moreover, in Zeta Macedonia Uprising (Eastern China) there are testimonies such as drawing-ligatures, pyramids and found graves of white men.

Lords - Rulers Macedonians – Vikings were manufacturers of ships, keeping trade relations worldwide. There were many types of vessels, such as:
1. long ship, also known as drakar or “dragon” boat – used for warfare; Drakkar (Norwegian), literally means dragon-boat from Drage ‒ dragon and Kar – ship; 

 2. knar – wider and more stable than the long ships, the only one adapted for long overseas trips – used for transport;

3. karves – a smaller boat for transporting people, animals and foods intended for sailing in shallow waters;

With these technically perfect ships that had shallow hull and moved powered by sails or oars, Lords - Rulers Macedonians were masters of the world. They were often buried with a boat or beside them with stones arranged in the shape of a boat. Along with them food, weapons, ornaments, slaughtered animals, and perhaps even sacrificed slaves were buried with them. Other similar burial customs are encountered wherever Macedonians lived. Following the traces which Macedonians – Vikings left behind, the Swedish archaeologists reached the Marko's Towers in Prilep. In Macedonia they studied parts of Marko’s Towers, built in the same historical period XIII – XIV century of Macedonian era, the same as some fortresses in Scandinavia. The hypothesis is that soldiers of that time, who then nurtured Macedonian culture in Scandinavia, felt close to the culture in Macedonia, as one nation, and were inspired by the new Macedonian kingdom (called Byzantine) of the building art, and transferred the ideas in the Nordic region. The Swedish newspaper “Svenska Dagbladet” wrote that in a Macedonian fortress in Birka the findings included Byzantine coins, weapons and other items brought from the southern parts of Zeta Macedonia Europe. In the place where the Marko's Towers in Prilep are located, as noted, a fortress was built as early as the time of Alexander of Macedonia, which was later upgraded in various historical periods of the Macedonian era, so that today it is one of the largest forts in Macedonia.


Macedonians in Zeta Macedonia Spring Wind, living thousands of years on all five continents, spread the Macedonian culture and its civilization features. According to Macedonian faith, the two Holy Trinities and the transfer of the sacred and the secular power from the Sun to dzemja and from the earth to the Sun have their testimonies in the
Nordic churches similar to stepped pyramid. Such a tradition of stepped pyramids or temples taken from the Macedonians are found in Zeta Macedonia Uprising (present-day territory called China, Japan, Vietnam and other countries).


- Еxtract from the book Zeta Macedonia, 400.000 years of literacy, Macedonian civilization on five continents, tradition up to now - Branko Sotirovski pg. 198-199



When spring winds blow, Lords - Rulers Macedonians from Spring Wind Zeta Macedonia
set off to Zeta Macedonia Overseas Northern BLOSSOM (North America), Zeta Macedonia Uprising (Eastern China) and Zeta Macedonia Lom on Don (now called Australia).


- Еxtract from the book Zeta Macedonia, 400.000 years of literacy, Macedonian civilization on five continents, tradition up to now - Branko Sotirovski pg. 199




This spring occurrence brings the good tidings about the fertilization of the divine MA called MADON. This gives us an overview of the Macedonian people’s faith, the cult of the Sun and the divine MADON and the fairy ANA.


- Еxtract from the book Zeta Macedonia, 400.000 years of literacy, Macedonian civilization on five continents, tradition up to now - Branko Sotirovski pg. 200



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