15.04.2020 г.


The “Helmet of the Goddess Athena” found in southwestern Russia, dating from the V century BC, is the first Corinthian helmet found in Russia.

A bronze helmet belonging to the classical era of the Macedonian people in Macedonia was discovered.
The helmet was found on the Taman Peninsula, on the Black Sea coast (Krasnodar region), it is of the Corinthian type and dates from the first quarter of the V century Macedonian era before the emergence of Christianity.
The helmet is the same as that worn by the Macedonian politician, speaker, statesman, military leader and ruler of the Macedonian city-state of Athens Pericles and the goddess Athena.
The helmet belongs to a respected Macedonian warrior. There are about 600 burial sites on the site. There is a Macedonian town near this locality. Macedonians built such military fortifications in the Adriatic, the Mediterranean – the White Sea and the Black Sea.

There is no doubt about the origin of this helmet being Macedonian, because it did not belong to the Semitic-Arab state of Greece, established in 1832 AD. If one thinks logically, at that time none of the newly formed states in Europe existed as separate tribal communities. The only country was Macedonia or Zeta Macedonia. Only the ones whose mind is blind, the so-called scientists, archaeologists and others, can say “Ancient Greece”, since anything ancient refers to the Macedonians.

Goddess Athena, protector of war and artisans, was the goddess of civilization, i.e. of wisdom. The name Athena is a personification of the divine traits, or expressed in modern words, Athena is a minister of defense and economy. Athena herself was a bird – OWL. The owl is a harbinger of death and the birth of a new life, the new sun. The name Athena is a Macedonian name, which means: AT = horse, the female gender of AT is ATICA = mare or Athena. The horse is the personification of the Sun God, and Athena is a sunray or TATINA, the daughter of the sun. The name Pericles has a Macedonian meaning: PE-RIKLE. Rikle actually means rakle, meaning in hand, with hand. Pericles’ hand is the sunray, the lightning – PER. The sunray Per is actually the mind. In Christianity it is called St. Nahum. Its symbol is the Peacock (Paun) – father’s mind, the mind of the sun. So the noun Pericles means to carry the mind of the sun by hand or war.

Pericles is the sun lightning DZE gives birth to his daughter Athena – the light. From the beginning of Christianity, the name Pericles was changed to St. Peter. Symbol of St. Peter is the Rooster, which announces the sun after the 24th hour until the morning. An announcement for the new day – the new sun is the owl that flies after the 24th hour.



Hallan el 'casco de la diosa Atenea' en el sudoeste de Rusia
La pieza, que data del siglo V a.C., es el primer casco corintio encontrado en Rusia

Un casco de bronce perteneciente a la época clásica de la antigua Grecia ha sido descubierto durante la excavación de un túmulo del siglo V a.C. en el sudoeste de Rusia, informa RIA Novosti.

El casco hallado en la península de Tamán (región de Krasnodar) es de tipo corintio y data del primer cuarto del siglo V a.C.

Es el único casco corintio descubierto dentro de las fronteras actuales de Rusia, y es igual al que llevaban el político ateniense Pericles y la diosa Atenea en las representaciones de los escultores griegos clásicos.



La excavada tumba de un guerrero

"Nunca antes se habían descubierto este tipo de cascos en las polis griegas del norte del mar Negro", aseguró Román Mimojod, director de la expedición.

Los arqueólogos creen que el casco pertenecía a un guerrero enterrado cerca de un lugar de batalla en esa península, donde estaban situadas dos colonias griegas.

"El casco indica su estatus de ciudadano de pleno derecho de una de las polis del Bósforo [Crimeo] y evidencia cierto nivel del bienestar", comentó Vladímir Kuznetsov, jefe del departamento de arqueología clásica del Instituto de Arqueología de la Academia de Ciencias de Rusia.


El casco corintio hallado en la península de Tamán (Rusia)

La expedición lleva más de dos años excavando una necrópolis en el sudoeste de la península. Han investigado más de 600 túmulos de guerreros enterrados con armas y caballos.

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Autoría| Redacción
Vía| RIA Novosti
Imágenes| Instituto de Arqueología de la Academia de Ciencias rusa





Перикле македонскиот политичар, говорник, државник,                  Божицата Атена. Заштитник на војната и занаетчиите.

                             војсководец и владател,                                                                   Атина  самата била птица - ут.  

                  на Македонскиот град држава Атина.                                     Била божица на цивилизацијата т.е. на мудроста. 



                                         Полуостровот Таман, на брегот на Црното Море, (Краснодарско подрачје)



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