06-11-2018 г.






1. When the Only Zet (Son-in-law) was deified, GOD said to him.
2. I am the father Sun ILIJA. You are God – the lord, Starry Macedon, reincarnated from light, arrived from the Zhiva (Alive) star, paradise Macedonia in the universe – house of knowledge, spring and well-being.
3. To you I give the knowledge, and the power to discover science, and transmit it to your brethren, through written messages in the form of sun rays shaped like the scripts of the BLOOM – the Cyrillic and the Latin alphabets and the spring digits. You will draw my image of the Sun on stone and earth, under water and soil.
4. You are now the Only Zet, the DEIFIED Lord-Master,God for a temporary stay on planet Macedonia..
5. You will glorify your only God, ILIJA, in God's temples – mountains and with your scientific thought built artistic mountains – pyramids.
6. You will serve your only God Sun ILIJA, for the benefit of all people on Planet Macedonia. I will punish those who do not respect you and do not respect my knowledge until the fourth generation. They will wander into the cosmic hell of eternal coldness and warmth.
7. You will pronounce my name at every moment, with the word DO-BA-R-DEN (GOOD DAY) meaning: FROM GOD'S KIN A LIGHT DAY. And all the other people shall respond WITH GOD – THE LORD GO AHEAD.
8. Every morning you will pray with the words: Good day, with God – the Lord go ahead, with work, song, and good thought.
9. You will work every day, and on the seventh day sit – DO NOT WORK. Enjoy life with your parents, with your kin and children in paradise Macedonia. Enjoy an active rest with WORK OF YOUR OWN PREFERENCE.
10. You will respect your work, your wife, and your own property, and the work, wife, and property of others. You will not testify falsely, change the name of Father Sun ILIJA and Mother Marija Macedonia. Watch out! God Sun sees all and hears all.

Excerpt from the book Zeta Macedonia Volume IV.


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