The unit for measuring time in the Republic of Macedonia and the Macedonian
language is CHAS (HOUR), considered to be 1/24 h of the day.
In many regions of planet
Macedonia, the expressions for measuring time are the same or similar, for
example: Serbia = sat; Croatia = sat; Turkey = saat; Russia = час; Slovenia =
uro; Romania = oră; English = hour; Spanish = hora; Greek = óra, Swedish =
time; and so on.
Time and expressing time in
hours are elements that reflect the culture of a nation. According to the noun CHAS,
the saying CHASKUM is also known. Examples are “Chaskum svetot kje mine” (The
world will end in a minute”), “Chaskum se svrte” (“He turned in a minute”) etc.
Chaskum is a Macedonian word which means, immediately, quickly, in a minute. It
would be logical for people who are fast and agile, according to this word, to
be called CHASKI.
The Macedonian people for at
least 500,000 years in continuity to this day has measured time through
numerous observatories scattered throughout Planet Macedonia. One of the oldest
observatories is Kokino, R. Macedonia, where time is measured by the moon and
the sun.
The most powerful Macedonian
ruler, called the first and ENOCH – the only Zet (son-in-law), who from the top
of the mountain Bogoslovec, near Sv. Nikole, heard the whisper of the Sun God,
received the word of God – knowledge through the shepherd’s crook, around which
a snake or an eel is wrapped, a symbol of Macedonia. This power of divinity was
possessed by certain individuals in Macedonia. At different time intervals
across the regions of Planet Macedonia, the Only received the name Don, Dun,
Danube (meaning river), Dion, Dionysus, Hermes, Asclepius, Kokopelli, Curtis,
St. Panteleimon, St. Nicholas, Santa Claus. He passed the divine knowledge onto
his people Macedonians.
They developed science, art and
literacy, which they spread throughout the Planet Macedonia. In the name of the
Zet Dionysus, the Macedonians globalized the world, alphabetized the wild
tribal communities, passed on to them the divine Macedonian language, science,
culture, script, and Reincarnation Faith. This process of Macedonianization lasting
for at least 500,000 years in continuity until today is called MACEDONISM.
The Macedonians, divine rulers,
have been called: Ilion, Macedon, Risto, Isus, Lord, Master, God and Guest of
Planet Macedonia. With divine providence, science, technology, script, and the
Faith of Reincarnation, they have built communication links on five continents.
The Macedonian people, guided by the knowledge of the Zet Dionysus, used
animals and the benefits of nature, such as water and wind for communication.
One of the most powerful means of transportation, for the transmission of
people, from one continent to another, was the pyramid. This transmission
technology was known only to the Macedonians, and is forgotten, but in the
period of 128 years it will slowly be revealed to the Macedonians.
On the continent of Zeta
Macedonia Overseas Blossom – America, 14,000 years ago, horses and camels were
used for local transport of goods and information, but later they disappeared.
In the absence of animals, they traveled the distance from town to town by
running. It was a great honor and privilege to be a runner, a transmitter of
information, they were divinated by their ruler, the Lord Macedon.
In Christianity they are called
Angels, the most famous being the Angel Archangel Gabriel (the one that spoke).
The most developed system of running communication in Zeta Macedonia Overseas
Blossom was in the region of the Andean mountain range. The RUNNERS were called
divinated CHASKI, they were healthy, strong, fast and agile.

A runner named Chaski, a
messenger. He announces his approach to the relay station with the sound from a
conch shell. He holds a rope in his hand – a letter, a kuipu, a defense weapon
and a message bag. Edited by Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala. The distance from Quito
do Cusco is 2.000 km. It was covered in five days.
The Macedonian Center for
Management, Observatory and Center of the Macedonian Faith Reincarnation, in
the present-day South America, is the top of the central Andes 2.430 m high – Machu
Picchu. The Andes are the world's longest mountain range, 7,000 km long, and 200
to 700 km wide. It stretches across today's states: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile,
Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela, with 20 major routes.
According to today's opinion,
the Inca kingdom developed in the XIII century. It survived until the arrival
of the Spaniards in 1492. It is believed that the Inca ruler Pachacuti built
the city of Cusco and Machu Picchu. In my opinion and according to the
discovered artifacts with Macedonian prefix, discussed in the book Zeta Macedonia, Cusco, Machu Picchu, Nazca
and countless other shrines, cannot be built in the short period of three
centuries. Also, according to the level of science, they were not able to shape
the road and city structure. The Incas are only the heirs of a highly developed
civilization, which is the Macedonian one.
The toponym Machu Picchu is a
Macedonian word meaning: PIKCU, Pik - (Pak) = the first, PAK = again, cu = hear,
The meaning is: from the Mother
House (Machu Picchu), I am the first since March 22 to hear the divine word
about the blessed state of Zeta Macedonia. Undoubtedly, this is Zet Macedon
called Dionysus.

Machu Picchu. The top of a
mountain carved in the shape of Zet Macedon, who sees and hears the Sun God.
MACHU would mean Mother CHU
= chupe, Chulpa, young girl, virgin, Maria,
Madonna, Zeta Macedonia, she will hear, on March 22, from the divinated Chaski
throughout Z.M. Overseas Blossom, about her blessed state, and in nine months
she will give birth to Risto on the 25th of December. Last year's Risto – Ilion
on this day will be divinated Zet IS – ISUS, Macedon, who will fertilize Zeta
Macedonia with work, song and good thought, to give birth to abundant food.
In honor of the clairvoyant
and eloquent Zet Macedon – Dionysus a city was built, and a portrait, with a gaze
towards the Sun God.
At this moment we are
wondering where are the divinated native Macedonians from that time. The answer
is simple and logical. The Macedonians are in the material and cultural
tradition, the Macedonism, language, toponyms, Faith of Reincarnation. The Macedonians
in the course of 500,000 years will be assimilated by the stronger gene of the
wild indigenous people. The Maya and Incas will be changed descendant of the
The tendency of every wild tribe throughout the Great Zeta Macedonia is to grow
into a self-created nation, changing everything that is Macedonian.
Unfortunately, the magnificent megalithic walls, millions of drawings of stone
and earth, pyramids, and many other shrines cannot be destroyed. They are
indestructible because of their importance to culture, inaccessible to man.
With the latest developments, we see a systematic erasure of everything that is
Macedonian. Again unfortunately the self-created, fictional peoples today
cannot destroy what is written by the Macedonians, such as Macedonism, in the UNIVERSE,
their white skin and in them – the Macedonian gene. According to this, the new
world order will be called Macedonism, our planet will be called Planet
Macedonia, Europe will be called Zeta Macedonia, and the world faith will be
the Faith of Reincarnation.

The book Zeta Macedonia, printed in the second
supplemented edition and translated from Macedonian into English, and it can be
read in the City Library “Braka Miladinovci”, the National and University
Library “St. Kliment Ohridski” – Skopje, in the national libraries in Berlin,
Zagreb, Budapest, Ankara, Hong Kong –香港 and others.
The book cannot be found in retail. It can be purchased from the author by e-mail or by phone +389 78 264 106.)
The great
interest in the book Zeta Macedonia, translated
from Macedonian into English, is due to the fear of revealing their false
history, in relation to their Macedonian origin.