The cross is geometrical figure consisting of two cross segments crossed at right angle (90°). The cross is one of the most ancient and popular symbols of mankind, mostly used by Macedonian primordial faith “Orthodox”, and by a multitude of later mythologies and the present-day Christianity. The symbols cross, swastika, spiral and circle, apart from the aesthetic and perceptive meaning also have deep roots in the spiritual tradition of the Macedonian people.


                                               Macedonian cross, also known as Veljusa cross.

Often differently and confusingly interpreted throughout recent history, these symbols have managed to instil and slip through the centuries, preserving their original place of honour and importance. All these symbols are part of the perfection of nature. Man intuitively perceived them as one of the most basic means of human cognition.” (excerpt from the book Zeta Macedonia, p. 42).

One of the first symbols encountered in Macedonian history with continuity up to the present, representing an abstract artistic expression is the CROSS. It occupies its honourable place in the history of the Macedonian people due to various aspects for which it is significant as a symbol.

                       Zeta Macedonia Pyrenees (called Spain)            Embroidery from a scarf Debar - Macedonia

One of the more important aspects of the cross is that is represents a written coded symbol that can easily be read with the BLOSSOM alphabet (Cyrillic and Latin) and in Macedonian language.

“The main task of gods Macedonians as a noble people was to spread literacy, science and art to other people, who were their servants and slaves, and over time they have become a victim of their own subjects. The opponents of Macedonian progressive thought were the alienated Macedonians themselves, who fuelled by petty interests were the biggest negators. Ironically, the symbol of prosperity and happiness was turned into a symbol of torture and death, by crucifying the people on cross. Macedonians were forced to change their belief into a religion called Christianity, based on Macedonian mythology, with its symbol – the cross. But the influence of Macedonian mythology is embedded in the memories. If in the first case the cross denoted the symbol of death, for the Macedonians from the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages and in Christianity it denoted the symbol of life. Although Christianity itself resulted from the Macedonian mythology with changed names and twisted facts.” (Read in more detail in the book Zeta Macedonia).

The cross as a written sign that can be read is also a topic explained by Sashe Endrovski, member of the group led by prof. Aristotle Tentov studying the Macedonian alphabet (called demotic). Namely, in а video from 14-04-2016, recorded at TV Sonce in the show called “Macedonia Mother of the World” at 33:48 min. Sashe Endrovski explains that, according to the understanding of the Macedonians, at the time of creation of the Rosetta Stone, the cross is read with the horizontal line representing the letter “A” and the numeric value of one, which represents Mother Earth and the vertical line of the cross is equal to the numeric value of one and is to be read as the letter “I”. The cross would be read as “IA” meaning land. (end of quote)

The spirituality of the word “cross” can be perceived in the linguistic analysis of the word itself. The word “cross” contains the masculine noun “R’ST”. The word “r'st", if vocalized with the vowel "A", results in the word “rast” (“growth”), meaning “figure”, “stature”, high or low growth.

One of the most important phenomena in nature is the “RAST ("growth") of the day, which takes place at a certain time of year, when the duration of the day grows and the duration of the night reduces. Such "growth" is also present with the moon, when every month we have "growth" or charging of the moon. Each year after the day of spring XXI March the living world begins to grow and multiply.

                                                                   Phase of the Moon.      

Mother Earth in the book Zeta Macedonia is called MAKEDONKA, and it turns around its own axis. Its axis during one year oscillates from right to left with in relation to the visible constellations in the sky, i.e. the constellation "dragon" and the constellation "cross" or the Milky Way. From the XXII to the XXV day the sloped axis is stationary. That is the period when mother Makedonka hesitates whether to lean its axis more towards the constellation Dragon, whereby increasing the night even more, causing an environmental disaster, or would it tilt toward the constellation CROSS (now called Swan).

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                                     CROSS Constellation.                              DRAGON Constellation.

                                                   Representation of Earth’s axis oscillation.

Mother Earth worried about her children, gods Macedonians, decides to steer its tilt towards the CROSS constellation.
As gratitude for the maternal relation of Earth Makedonka and its inclination gods Macedonians hold celebrations with sacrificial rites.

Because of the shape of the Milky Way constellation, where the distribution of the stars forms two intersecting lines in the shape of a CROSS, that day is called “krshtovden”, the break of day, “krsha” or deviation of Earth's axis. The cause-effect relationship of the phenomenon with the position of Cross constellation and the start of “R'ST” ("growth") on the day and the fact that the word “CROSS” (“KRST”) contains the word "R'ST” (“GROWTH") is an example that Macedonian language is like an echo of natural phenomena. These natural phenomena in the universe were born and lined up by mother Elena, who is gave birth to the universe.

Just as the Macedonian BLOSSOM alphabet (called Cyrillic), derived from the Sun God ILI and as an echo of the natural phenomena on Earth and in the universe, the Macedonian spring digits (called Roman) also stem from the same phenomena. (Read more in the book Zeta Macedonia). Time or "verme", "herme" or Hermes (Enoch), The Father-in-law (old Sun), the Son-in-law (young sun) is represented by a line of infinity, with numeric value I = 1. Among other things, this line is also the Earth’s axis called IL. Earth's axis detouring from left to right breaks. Such breaks are two, in the southern and in northern hemisphere. This would be written as "V" = 5, + "V" = 5 equals ten, or two broken lines that mark the numeric value X = 10. These numbers, when added give number XXII = 22 the day of the break (lighting, magnification) and the same day.

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                  Deflecting of earth’s axis MA and IL                Temple in present-day Egypt –“Vilae” 150 year of 
                                                                                      Macedonian era prior to the emergence of Christianity.

The increasing day length is determined by deflecting of Earth's axis. The main feature of the day is the appearance of the sun and the sunrays. Because of this phenomenon, Macedonians called the sunray "LOM" – “KRSH”. All this scientific causal link, due to the deflecting axis towards the Cross constellation, which form the basis of life on Mother Earth-Macedonia, the Macedonian nation transformed into faith which is Orthodox and that is the faith in the “CROSS”.

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                     Mother house-Makedonka from the Neolithic                     Sv. Nikole Museum. The cross says:
                                Altar – Tumba Porodin, Bitola Area.                            “ILI S’LIL, S’MAK’DON”, meaning:
                           The openings are in the form of a cross.               “God ILI to spill divine spirit as water, together
                                                                                                                with son Macedon.

This faith of the cross is faith in the deflecting of Earth's axis towards the cross constellation, and thus in the restoration of the Year in growth. It is faith in the emergence of stronger sunrays called "KRSHT" which will condition the arrival of the divine spirit Macedon in the form of water, personified as Santa Claus – St. Nicholas. The reincarnated divine spirit Macedon will again result in rich fruitful year. All this is faith in the BRIGHT TRINITY and it is the Sun God ILI, divine spirit Macedon, gods Macedonians, i.e. faith in the creation of Paradise Macedonia.

This faith of "K-‘R'STO-T" is faith in "R'STO" or "RISTO". The noun word "Risto" represents the total living nature which began to germinate. Thus, the nouns "RISTO", "RIS" and "IS" stand for the total newly born living nature and personified by a man. This is the selected newly born ZET, IS, RIS, RISTO, HERMES. The latinized name of Risto is Christo or Christ.

The abrupt growth of nature in the new year starts from XII March, when in nature we have an equal day and night. It is the day of the beginning of nature which 'RTI', meaning germinates, sprouts, starts to grow. The nearest noun form of the word “RTI” is “RT” (“Cape”) of things that penetrate, such as “Cape of Wrath”, “Cape of Good Hope”, etc.
“The basis for the use of this symbol in Christianity is the fact that Jesus Christ was crucified on a cross. As a Christian symbol, the cross is located in Christian temples, churches, monasteries, onto objects used in worship. The cross is used to mark the graves of Christians. According to Christianity, the vertical line of the cross symbolizes the deity, and the horizontal symbolises humanity. The cross is directly linked to the torture and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Crucifixion was a frequent means of punishment in ancient Rome. Although at the time the cross denoted symbol of death, in Christianity it is a symbol of life and is the holiest sign and symbol. All Christian worship services are performed with the Christian Cross” (Wikipedia, Cristian cross).

Conclusion: The noun "CROSS" (“krst”), "krsht", "lom" as the meaning of constellation, Earth's axis, sunray, germ, newly born nature. It is a symbol of spring, poetry, love, flowers and beauty, cradle of the living world “IS”; a symbol of science, art and Macedonian mythology; a symbol of Zeta Macedonia, Macedonian civilization and history of the world. It is a symbol of the continuity of the Macedonian culture until today.

Mother Makedonka is the creator of the cross. Due to all this, the cross personifies or represents Macedonia, the cross is Macedonia.
(The book Zeta Macedonia is not sold via retail. It can be bought from the author at or phone +389 78 264 106).

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