Always, when trying to establish the foundations of human civilization, the researchers looked tight grip on najdrevnoto past. She tight grip inquiring into what material heritage, which in its symbolic meaning carries a message, ie information about organized social life. The archaeological items were taken not only as oradija labor or as objects of everyday life, but still as objects and further loaded with some sibolichka function.

Above all, be paying attention to whether they contain a "non-pragmatic," "dysfunctional," which says, "decorative", "decorative", ie symbolic detail. He, of course, that is functional, but in another, non-pragmatic sense. One subject could carry a sign which indicated, for example, of ownership, but the sign could also have a magical, protective (apotropejska) function.
Not only stone and bone tools, not just pieces of pottery former household utensils, but mezhnici stone, pillars and stone cuboid of temples and objects from funeral rites, often testify to a specific awareness and knowledge. Such items have symbolic message to his contemporaries, who had in the daily or ritual use and, in general, have been part of their lives, but they will witness in the coming times and new generations. In any case, there is an evident need for communication between living contemporaries but, over time, as one generation goes and grows and is actively another generation starts and symbolic communication between the dead and the living. Thus, by oznakovenite messages begin to bridge the centuries and millennia, and future generations will remember them or will they sign letters podzaboravaat but, anyway, we will refer to them as to something imbued with superhuman (divine or demonic) power .
To establish which prehistoric Branko Sotirovski called historical civilization presence in research, start from different bases. Ednipati a civilizational sign taken permanent shelter-home with fireplace. In earliest times they were natural shelters - caves. Other times, such a privileged civilization marker or topos, from where the spark jumps civilization, is the relationship to the deceased, ie way pogrebuvanjenje etc. However, to date the ruling scientific understanding of ancient civilizations follows: lands between the Tigris and Euphrates, and those along the river Nile, the cradle of civilization. But archaeological discoveries from the middle of the twentieth century questioned that, until recently, established dogma cabinet. He began working his way argument for the existence of a highly developed culture of the territory of Macedonia and beyond, Balkan-Danubian countries. That civilization is millennia older than the Mesopotamian civilizations, as well as those along the river Nile.
Based on archaeological discoveries already accumulated extensive literature, according to which, by various authorities determined to science, argued that in the distant past just today Balkan countries were inhabited by a population with a highly developed culture. For it is claimed to be much older than the Mesopotamian civilizations, which according to current science cabinet considered the oldest. Thus, the assembled archaeological objects, by their systematic processing, wear relevant scientific knowledge, it is increasingly determined by the position that the current scientific views on ancient civilizations should be revised. For the inevitable need for such review strongly believes, for example, linguist and cultural studies Harald Haarmann (Harald Haarmann). In his book "Mysteries of the Danube civilization" (Das Rätsel der Donauzivilisation. Die Entdeckung der ältesten Hochkultur Europas. Becksche Reihe, München 2011) proves that the Balkan countries and, specifically, Macedonia as their center, were settled in the most ancient times of civilization , which has developed the first alphabet in history.
Branko Sotirovski joins that position and extends it with new knowledge through reading old entries. He has given the inscriptions of the Vinca (Serbia) Tartarija (Romania), cranes and Gradesnica (Bulgaria) and Osinchani Govrlevo, Porodin in Macedonia Ravenija - Aegean macedonia Asia, America and Australia, and many others, and, rightly proposes common denominator of these archaeological findings. According to him, the oldest literacy, registered the said archaeological finds, it should be called "Danube", "Vincha" or "Central" but Macedonian. Why? Because Sotirovski, following Vasil Iljov, found that identification, cultural and civilizational marker - the name Macedonia - since ancient times been used, and was even written exactly in that form - Macedonia. examples:
The Macedonian culture, developed countries of today's Macedonia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Romania, Greece, and the vast expanses of Hungary, Ukraine, Germany, France and others. Harman mentioned scholar calls "Staroevropska." According to archaeological discoveries, its appearance can certainly be traced back to 7 thousand years BC. But there are certain indicators that move this time with dozens or even hundreds of thousands of years away - in the darkness of the past.
One of pojarkite examples of the high level of the along-the-Balkan civilization is sensational discovery "Varnenskoto gold" (Varna, Bulgaria), during which world renowned authorities claim is the oldest in the world. That gold is at least 7,000 years old. On the other hand, archaeological sites mentioned in Vinca (Serbia) Tartarija (Romania), cranes and Gradesnica (Bulgaria) and findings from Govrlevo and Osinchani (Macedonia) give evidence that literacy in this, conventionally called "Balkan and Danube civilization," which Sotirovski called "Macedonian" and Julius Pokorny - "Illyrian" appeared at least 3,000 years before those civilizations in the Middle East and India. Something more - these archaeological discoveries tell us that this script performed a huge impact. She provlekla in several varieties, almost all subsequent cultures from the Mediterranean circle. Besides literacy, according to Harman, even the words that have been seen as the ancient Greek, actually "staroevropski", ie ancient Balkan or, usually, "Paleomacedonian." These words, which are used today in modern languages, for example, a fireplace, olive, ceramics, metal, anthem and many others.
According culturologist and linguist Harman presence of these words testify about certain techniques that have been developed for the first time, precisely staroevropjanite. In this sense, he speaks not only of language but also of world influence - the presence of the word "metal", for example, speaks of established technology for production and processing of lead, copper, bronze and later iron.
However, literacy is not the only sign of high culture staroevropjanite. Metalworking and urban planning, and the way their lives are other criteria that confirm the thesis of the scientist. Science already is certain, Harman claims that the oldest gold in the world is exactly the gold found in the territory of today's city of Varna, Bulgaria. According to modern methods and technologies for dating, it is produced and consumed somewhere in 4500 BC. It suggests that it is 2,000 years older than the gold found in Egypt.
Staroevropjanite lived in large settlements with welldeveloped infrastructure and domuvale in houses like today, built side by side, sharing a common wall. Typically, in such a settlement, lived from 7000 to 10 000 people. A lack of archaeological layer of ash in the period 6500 - 3000 BC, speaks of peaceful and harmonious coexistence of staroevropjanite in one, according to Harman, equal and harmonious society.
People in those times there was no hierarchy, but there was some division of labor. For this judge by researchers graves. When a community is divided into elite and inferior classes, archaeologists encounter various richest gifts in individual graves. And in marked graves of staroevropjanite not seen such a thing.
Then how can be explained the setting of such a developed civilization as it was staroevropskata? Harman believes the reason lies in poorly developed military tradition of "Illyrian", ie "Protomakedonskata civilization" which enabled niskokulturnite nomads who penetrated the northeast, gradually to attack and finally to submit. Then it performed the mixing process and assimilate staroevropjanite with newcomers. Nevertheless, the lesson was learned. A thousand years later this error in the structure of society was repaired and Macedonians during argeadskata Dynasty, became the best warriors in the ancient world.
One indicator of a higher human cognition and consciousness, ie of civilization is a sense of holiness. That feeling among ancient humans comes from those manifest in the material and non-living and living world, which have been readily apparent because they were repetitive. It has opened their cycles and exhibits the ancient man to create two-dimensional geometric forms and shapes (objects) that you'd spoken to his earthly presence in assumed future times. This foreknowledge (prekognicija) idechkite of times it happened is indicative of the deep understanding of the processes in the real world. According to B. Sotirovski, which called on other researchers, the ancient Macedonian tried to emulate the memory of nature. Crystal breaks down into smaller parts, but with the same shape, the seed of a plant sprout, emerging just like this plant, etc. This multiplication of recurrent analogous forms in nature, has spurred the need and the person to produce repetitive forms that absorb in themselves, but also radiate from themselves, any recognizable meaning and message. Therefore Sotirovski, the question of the appearance of the letter acknowledges that it is "created according to nature." Economy that requires life, namely the overcoming of time and space, led to letter to form as "a visual representation of the message," even the speech itself, of course, since any sound previously received its graphic character that is for each phoneme, distinct and separate and distinctive grapheme.
Crashing and notches (scratched) graphemes (= scratches) can be characters of ideas, voice and magical effects of quantitative ratios (numbers). Letters related to words that accumulated as ligatures, even in the form of complex drawings, commonly asked in holy places, plains, flat rocky surfaces, rock-patches on the walls of caves and similar places.
Before switching to concrete examples of the inscriptions read and interpreted, we will briefly address the fundamental starting positions of the author of this research paper. According Sotirovski should especially be borne in mind that the most ancient symbols uncovered and studied the basis of the sanctity of "gender Macedon and its mythology." These symbols, he says, are "divine letters and numbers" and because the letters and, in general, the letter is sacred, ie divine. According to the author the same sacred, divine letter "brightens, lightens, sion, osijuva, cast and fertilized." Therefore, individual letters, and the letter in its entirety, can be said to have "spiritual power derived from the absolute perfection of the laws of nature." There is no doubt that they are the symbols and letters are one of the biggest benefits of civilization and can They accepted as a "key factor for the establishment of large Zeta Macedonia". This divine gift is the main reason why the rapid development of education and culture, and for Transforming Macedonia one of the countries with the oldest civilization. The oldest language, confident in writing, according Sotirovski is Macedonian. Today Macedonian language is like an echo of the ancient Macedonian, which in turn, is an echo of nature, it is a mystical content, which is in harmonization with the form.
To get closer to the core messages and, in general, to the worldview of our ancestors here in the Balkans and beyond, our and other continents, reaching Sotirovski to instruments of mythology, ethnography, semiotics and science. Here we remember Fraser Eliade and other authors and their achievements in the field of mythology, ancient cosmogony and cosmology, the history of religions and so on. In our case, taking into account the results which reached Macedonian authors (T. Belchev Iljov C., N. Chausidis E.Lafazanovski) and some foreign researchers (Ventris, Chadwick Lee Vorph etc.) Sotirovski finds own perceptions and cultural items whose validity has yet to be doutvrdi to become generally acceptable scientific achievement and intellectual position.
It should be noted the enormous effort of the author to submit drawings and photos, with processing and interpretation that are appropriate illustrations accompanied to those exposed. It is this visual component of the book contributes to its clarity and for the specific kind of charm, making it a striking and attractive to a wider circle of readers, who show interest in this segment of the Macedonian, Balkan and world semiotic, cultural and, in general, antroposhoko heritage. In this regard, save more or less familiar images of cave paintings, petroglyphs, graphemes on ceramics, metal, wood, photos of geoglyphs et al., Sotirovski put work to develop and implement hundreds own drawings, which facilitates the analysis of individual graphemes or their combination in complicated ligatures. Thus, with this visual (mostly colorful) part, the book of Sotirovski becomes very striking and tekstuelniot section makes it particularly intriguing in itelektualna sense.
The publication Zeta Macedonia Branko Sotirovski is one of those ambitious projects at the base of which is the desire and goal realized, to explain the Macedonian cultural and civilizational component, which is only peripherally pebble from the planetary puzzle, but that it because of its universal achievements and messages, almost coincides with the communication segment of human civilization. This major research swing provides adequate result. Habor is convinced that spotted a universal, planetary written code that came from the heart of the Balkans, Macedonia. That, according to the author, characters like grafofonetski recording voice grouped into words and sentence ordered in full, means a type encoded messages. These letters / emails that come from the darkness of the general human antiquity Sotirovski sees them, read, decode and trying to interpret meaningful, sharing the whole process with us, readers.
What can cause skepticism, especially among readers with "cultural and scientific" prejudice the results of decoding the ligatures, ie reading and interpreting modulated sentence entries. Because in their research, Sotirovski recognizes, first separate, still used graphemes and then his understandable tokens and even whole sentence joints, he dares ancient language identifies as Slovene, Macedonian and called it exactly - Macedonian. Of course, holders ie users of that language that inhabited the valleys of the rivers across Europe and beyond Sotirovski uses the same concept, the term "Macedonian" as a cultural and linguistic marker.
Someone will be surprised said, seeming megalomaniac venture of access and would characterize as suddenly awakened need of greatness, which, allegedly, suppress some real or fictional, hidden reason for frustration. Little would be great and so most! - Someone might say. And why the largest (China, India, Russia, Great Britain) want to be even bigger? - I will vozrazam. Of course it is hasty, reckless and lump qualifications. Just human being wants to penetrate, to inform, investigate and, eventually, to understand the world in which, temporarily, as a guest with unquenchable astonishment and admiration, resides. So let us not rush to hasty and reckless grades but to peek into the past and in the present, and see whether there were other authors some similar ideas and similar theories.
Here, in short, we will look at a linguistic and cultural qualification and he is "Slavic language group." Immediately ask the inevitable reading matter about age and scope of what constitutes a complex qualification "Slavic group of languages." For example, can expect Slavic words of distant lands and in older times, who, where, historical "science" and "historical" geography "guarantee" that "never been" and, therefore, forbids guess let alone to seek and expect there. Contrary to these "scientific" taboo now, briefly, to address the hypothesis of "Palestinian Slavs" the diplomat but also developed theories of "staroevropskata civilization" by Gustaf Inclination (Kossinna), Julius Pokorny (Pokorny), and Hans collapse (Krahe), as well as nostratichkata hypothesis Pederson and Ilic-Svitich.
We will first quote one example of an interesting oriental literary legacy. We have in mind the book known as Iosippon, whose copy of the Hebrew is heard in Jerusalem. Copyist of the book in the 12th century BC, d.r Rabbi Gershon believes hananejskiot language, which is spoken in ancient Palestine, a group of Slavic languages. Gershon attempted to clarify that there is a clear idea that the Slavs. As Slavic peoples, in his time, so his contemporaries are known: Croats, Poles, Moravians, and others. In much the same way antiquity and extent of the Slavs, written in the mid-19th century and Platon Lukashevich (Lukashevich). The theme for the development of the ancient Palestinian Hebrew based on ancient Slavic (hananejski) dialect is also found in some other writers from Israel (see: This process of establishing and amending the linguistic and cultural facts run only kabinetskata science thinks already been resolved and that there should be some convictions ponders, raised the level of "irrefutable" dogmas. According to the cabinet science can understand and determine who they are Slavs Asia Minor (according Lukashevich), which is the country Retenu (against which rose to make war with the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Thutmose (Thutmos III) and why he disappeared nations Mitanni (Mitanni) , Arza (Arzawa) and Hattie / Getty (Zeti). of these and many other similar reasons kabinetskata "science" which soon is dogmatic, bypasses tricky facts and securing a temporary cabinet and apparent peace and tranquility.
But there are restless spirits, who are not receiving the blind trust. For example, Lukashevich mentioned researcher, found that the original language (prehistoric) world was Slovenian. It actually was the language of ancient Getty / Hattie ie Macedonian Zeta Macedonia (terminology of Sotirovski). Then there was a mixing of peoples and to the formation of mixed languages. Thus, according to Lukashevich, except Slavic group of languages (which in ancient times had a unique script) are formed and mixed language groups: Slavic-Kalmyk, ie Mongolian and Turkish group, then Slav-Chinese, African-Slovenian, Hindi-Slovenian, semi-Slav, Celt-Slavic and American linguistic branch. Modern audiolaboratorii, and the appropriate digital equipment yielded unexpected confirm this old theory through examples of similarity of melodic phrase and consequential repeatability and distribution of certain syllables, for example, in the sentences of Chinese and English (Slavo-Celtic-German) language. The lexical level there are countless such evidence. I'll mention only one example easily verifiable: Slavic word for number 5 is "five" and coming from the noun "fist" (collected fingers on the palm, ie fist), corresponding about 5 in Albanian language is "pest". Here you can ask some Slavo-Celtic linguistic substrate, but then as he entered the Turkish language as "besht." Or old Turks knew only count to four, so he needed to "off" their "pettichen number system," they borrowed the word from the neighboring Slavic tribes. It is easy to satirize the situation when we get such frapirachki lexical correspondence. A little harder to seek and find a serious and convincing answer, which takes account of what is called phonetic law, which will result from the actual phonetic processes in real human voice practice. In this regard were usilijata Danish linguist Holger Pedersen and Russian linguist Vladislav Illich-Svitich when trying to establish a foundation of nostratichkata theory. According to that theory, Indo-European, kartvelskite, semi-hamitskite, old Indian, Urals and altajskite languages have common lexical roots, which give the right to speak of a universal language substrate. Ilic-Svitich even published a dictionary with nearly 600 words of that prajazik of humanity. Represented tokens are certain recognizable forms, and some are still in use in several languages continents. Nostratichkata theory can be considered conceptual forerunner of the linguistic and cultural-civilizational panmakedonizam Branko Sotirovski.
It turns out that the linguistic work of above mentioned Lukashevich not alone. So unless the said nostratichka theory in the twentieth century, in an indirect way, the idea of an ancient global civilization is reinforced by the works of Gustav Kossinna, Julius Pokorny and Hans Krahe. The three German scientists have linked the Balkan Illyrians with Lusatian culture through the old European hidronimi. For example, according to estimates by archaeologist Kossinna, Illyrian civilization Valley Middle Danube was superior to that of the Celts based in southern Germany. According to him, members of the Illyrian civilization found its own way, and spread not only among the Celts but also among the other Nordic primitive tribes. For example, the earliest use of iron in Central Europe is attributed to the Illyrians, not the Celts. After this archaeologist, linguist Julius Pokorny tried to prove that the Illyrian etnojazichni elements can be found in most of continental Europe and even the British Isles. This researcher is considered the founder of Panilirskata thesis etnojazichnata structure of ancient Europeans. This thesis Pokorny is partially supported by the archaeological discoveries that takes into account Harold Harman. The linguistic level it was backed by prestigious specialists toponomastika such as Max Vasmer Hans Krahe.
Research conducted in the second half of the twentieth century by archaeologists Sarajevo Alois Benać and B. Covic, and the Plovdiv archaeologist P.Detev showed that according to archaeological material had accumulated uninterrupted continuity of cultural development through the Stone Bronze and Iron Age. He continuously gives the right to speak and etnojazichen continuity. With the results of this research, can equally be supported as panilirskata and pantrakiskata and panmakedonskata indigenous theory Branko Sotirovski.
While many scientists have considered Illyrian traces in central and northern Europe, other scientists have taken note territory with "Illyrian" population in southern Europe. Thus the Bulgarian world-renowned linguist Vladimir Georgiev claimed that "Pelazgite those indigenous people, the Balkans developed their civilization long before the ancient Greeks appear. According to Georgiev, Pelazgite are Thracian-Illyrian tribe. Their language was "Indo-European" dialect, which is associated with the Illyrian and Thracian speeches, and as close to him and considering etruskiot language. Let us not forget that Macedonians are reviewed as part of the Thracian-pelasgo or Illyrian population. Sotirovski trying to bring order here, by proposing ethnic name Macedonia they noted the historic ethnogeography as regional names that are actually parts of the basic etnosupstrat - Macedonians.
At this point, in short we will try to answer a fundamental question: What does the name Macedonia?
Until the last decade of the 20th century it was thought that people who live in former federal SRM and speak Slavonic national name acquired because it settled the former ancient Macedonia. It was taken over by secular interpretations of linguistics, namely that the country was first called by the name of Macedonia, even then people were called by name.
But at the beginning of the independence of our country started to appear claims that, conversely, the territory named after the ancient people and that there was a continuity of the nation today. In short, our country is named Macedonia after some ancient tribe, and it was true that the tribe was called by name. But in one and in the other case have the need to rethink and determine the essence, ie the significance of that name.
So far, about the etymology of the name Macedonia, in the linguistic literature has two theses. According to some researchers, the name Macedonia could be related to Greek appellative "makednos" meaning "high," "slim." This etymology Greek linguists have fully accepted and today stand at that position. In their name ethnicity and used some "Ancient Greek Doric tribe - Makednon." However, it superficial etymology is rejected by many scientists of world renown. Second etymological interpretation, which today dominates outside the Greek historical linguistics, and is considered to be a definitive solution to the problem starts from the assumption that the name Macedonia consists of two lexical components. According to this hypothesis, the two tokens to don the NFL and they had Thracian-Macedonian origin. First NFL lexical component, which is correlated NFL Indo-European, meant "a long, high". The second component is a lexical don, and it signifies "earth", "soil". Thus, equally superficial, etymology name Macedonia marked "High (Upper) Country and" Mace-Donia "would be residents of the" high ", ie The "upper country".
This assumption is premature because DON is not a country but a floor. Actually it works for areas (countries) around water (rivers, lakes, bays) with a deep bottom. If you recall that to date survived the names of polnovodnite rivers Don, Danube, Dnieper, Dniester, the old Celtic Singidunum (on the Danube), one of the ancient names of the city - Klavdunum (basin of Kriva Reka in Ohrid Lake) and area which until today has kept its name Mygdonia (area between the lower reaches of the Vardar Thessaloniki bay, river Struma, lake and Ballbot Strumskiot bay) then you should ignore the above hypothesis. Moreover, it can be said that it is Mygdonia (MEG-Donia) is older and more correct form of regional and ethnicity name Macedonia. The meaning is quite clear: "Inter-say". At this point it should mention the name of the ancient Celtic goddess Danu, who was goddess of rivers polnovodnite and generally water. And if you ask Celtic etymology, not to forget that there was a Celtic Kingdom of Thessalonica, the Mac Danu, ie Macedonia should marked: "Sons of Danu" or "Sons of rivers / lakes." A known in this part of Europe is Macedonia's "Land of Lakes".
Previous brief article can conclude that our national etymology name Macedonia is in line with the Macedonian and Thracian-Celtic words rather than Greek. It can be concluded that the nature of this relief, which is crisscrossed with polnovodni rivers, lakes and bays, the factor which results as toponomastichkite and ethnos qualifications. However, it is more logical to accept that the country was first named by the name of Macedonia (according to the characteristics) and even then people since ancient times, it ponesle name.
Thesis of you have just mentioned huge staroevropska, country has its support in the text of a Polish book of XIII century, known as the "Chronicle of Greater Poland". In it, unexpectedly, not talking about some indefinite Illyrians or Enetoi / Veneto but Slavs, which, in turn, goes to support the thesis that the oldest Sotirovski Macedonians Protosloveni any, arising from today's Slavic nations, and those who which are called "Indoevropjani" and all those who use words that are represented in nostratichkiot dictionary.
In the respective Polish book can be read: "In the most ancient codices says that Pannonia mother and ancestress of the Slav narodi2. After all, Pan (Pan) under Greek and Slavic interpretation is the one who is in command of all. And because it is said that "pan" in Slavic means "great master." . . They Paeonians, named Pan, as it were, to lead its origins in Jan, son of Japheth. The first of them was the one powerful Nemrot, which began to obey and set under his dominion people - brethren. " In addition, from the same book, despite the legendary overtones, we find a fragment which concerns the issue of the language of the ancient empire. Here's the site: "The Slavs have a wide variety of languages, but at the same time, they understand each other, makarshto some words in their pronunciation, it is obvious that there are differences. These languages originate from a single ancestor - Slav, which is why the Slavs and has not ceased to benefit this name - for example: Tomislav, Stanislaus, Wenceslas and others. Claim that arose from that Slav Nemrot. A Nemrot in Slavic means "naughty" (Nemerza), which in Slavic is understood as "no peace" (non rah) or "one who does not want peace" (non mensurans pax), from his time among people appeared slavery and before that among them there was great freedom. First he, unreasonable, striving to subdue its brothers. His audacity and foolishness led to to establish slavery laws not only his brothers but also for the whole world. " It is obvious that the anonymous author of this medieval Polish Chronicle suggests that the unification of the Slavic tribes in a state under the rule of the tyrant Nemrot, includes equalization of the then already separated, Slavic dialects. With the quotes of said Polish chronicle confirms the existence of an ancient civilization and a European superstate that J. Pokorny called "Great Illyria" and B.Sotirovski - "Zeta Macedonia".
I'll repeat once again: In the bronze age superstate legendary Nemrot stretched from the Baltic to the north, to the Aegean Sea in the south. And the lower Danube in the east, to the British Isles in the west. Although not all historians and linguists accept this hypothesis for ancient European superstate, however, most acknowledge that any evidence of that empire dubbed Pokorny "Great Illyria" from anonymous Polish chronicler "Pannonia" and from Sotirovski "Zeta Macedonia" however - there! For an enormous Empire, stretching from Pontus and Aegean south to the Baltic in the north, can be read in historical and biographic novel "Aleksijadata" Byzantine princess Anna Comnena.
Given that the area in Pannonia Polish chronicle is not localized and is equal to the present geographical area Pannonia, and if we consider that this geographical term in many medieval manuscripts mix and replaced by Paeonia, even with Pelagonija remain with the conviction that Sotirovski is entitled to their own terminology choice and place Pannonia ( "Gospodarstvoto at all," "Segospodarstvoto", "Empire") to use, as more appropriate term "Zeta Macedonia" - a state whose bloodstream were river valleys, which it is crisscrossed Europe.
According Sotirovski since ancient times in the Macedonian alphabet each to be marked with a letter, which is some sunray as the biggest homage to the Sun God OR - ILE. The direction of reading is from right to left and back and from top to bottom and vice versa. Both ancient alphabets today called to appear in Cyrillic and Latin, can rightly be called "Macedonian letters bloom", ie "Words of spring" because the solar beam is Spirit "God Mace" as a reason and a starting point for establishing speech gives character to bloom or something due to mature cognitive ie mental fruit. First Macedonian alphabet, according Sotirovski contained 21 word, ie letters (literal graphemes, characters). The beginning of the creation of the characters of the letters, they were indentured rays that descend from the sun to the earth, as an emanation of God's spirit. Rays as carriers of light and heat were marked as letters and words that enlighten the human mind and bear the heat of Solidarity wimp individuals in one generation and between generations distant time. The ingenuity of the Macedonian people is that, of two or more phonemes merged into syllables at a ratio of text is in verse, gets its note. Sotirovski the value of the Macedonian people to decipher the extent that creates musical works of the original text, of course with the help of top musicians and singers.
I would mention a few examples of the read and rastolkuvani inscriptions from what is now the Republic of Macedonia, the Balkan region and beyond, Southeast Europe.
On one of the stone chairs the Paleolithic megalithic observatory Kokino from right to left, the researcher Sotirovski vookjil it is written: "The Son of God is with me." Here I would just remind that the stone chairs of the Observatory under the hill Tatikev Stone Municipality Staro Nagoricane. This archaeological site was discovered in 2001, and it has a documented archaeological material and proper review journals and has published a separate collection articles. Not far from Kokino (Tatikev Stone) near the village Young Nagorichane so-called "Center for students alphabet" is written text, and is shaped drawing of a horse and a human figure which is entered the text. According Sotirovski it's one of the values of the letter and literacy gods Macedonians, "which convey the mythological representations of the broader masses, they use exactly this form of expression." This mode of transmission of the Macedonian mythology used in extensive areas of the country but is most precisely Zeta Macedonia, Mr. Sotirovski called "Art Agency". For horse has general agreement that a solar personification. Sotirovski takes it's "sunray IL." A horseman deemed personified "the spirit of God in Macedon flight to groom Schumann." The text was read, "In flight rushed Zetu Schumann."
Mentioning Krilatica engravings from the village, a place Pashkulj, Macedonia, aged 30,000 years, and the inscription on the cover of the cup place (Veles), who is presumed to be old for at least 8000 years.
As najimpozantni and most important monuments, from the historical period of Zeta Macedonia Sotirovski identifies the sites, megalithic dzit "Spirit of God Macedon" Mount Bogoslovec-Sveti Nikole Shopsko village Rudare, Kratovo, Macedonia, Cocev Stone, who It was first recorded in 1972. It is 25 km. southwest of the town of Kratovo, the lev side of the valley of the Kriva Reka mrgju sculpture and other "tear" Great Mother Prilep - Macedonia.
It deserves attention and ceramic seal of Cerje in Govrlevo, near Skopje, found in 1981. It is a striking illustration of the era of what Sotirovski calls "imperial Zeta Macedonia", dated before 9000-8000, the "Macedonian era." He stamped on a short text, which by the researcher Vasil Iljov was read as follows:
Ceramic seals from Aegean Macedonia in the field Ravenija emphatically points out the fact of the presence of the Macedonian alphabet, language and culture with continuity until today. The print reads: "WITH OR LOOK ON MADONNA" and the second seal reads: "DZ'DZ'I March JESUS GOD - AND ONLY Gogh", this print is in the form of sun, bloom, rose, spring. The press release says: "You see, Views (fertilized) March SHE LIPS IN GOD, AND ONLY GOD."
At the far known Vindija seven teeth on which is written the micro text which meets the name Zeta Macedonia and macro text in the Nazca Desert in Peru, representing mythological Macedonian collection, where several times mentioned the name of the state Zeta Macedonia.
The historical period of Zeta Macedonia 130 000 years Asia and Australia, India travel sites, Helan Mountain in central China and Kakadu National Park in Australia, testifying for the first kultorloshka globalization of Dionysus under the name "IS DON".
Further in the book cited many other examples of texts whose content is raschitana and interpreted.
Between the covers of "Zeta Macedonia" is spreading vast in scope and sensational research results in academic painter Branko Sotirovski. It's a bold spiritual adventure which, however, appropriate faktografirana and documented and reasoned details. Registering and reading the accompanying ancient civilization markers, the author opted for what is his life and creative pursuits - creating abandoning figurative symbols (graphemes and characters, ligatures). They figurative symbols, ie graphemes (the word "grapheme", as if Greek word actually comes from the Macedonian word-noun "scratch", ie from the verb "scratches") through the centuries and millennia, conveying the basic message, testify, and testify, and for their creators - markers. That formation analog visual images, but also the rise of the scale of geometric figurative abstraction, to the extent of pictograms and ideograms formed, which is what motivated Sotirovski activate his innovative spirit in order to reach results that are collected in this very complex and impressive paleographic research project. The project resulted in an extensive monograph, which is a real research and intellectual feat.
Milos Lindro,23-06-2015