Zeta Macedonia


Mr. Branko Sotirovski has the honour of inviting you to the presentation of the book
"Zeta Macedonia - 400,000years of literacy and Macedonian civilization on five continents,
a tradition up to the present."
The presentation will take place on 4 Dec 2015 (Friday), at 19:00 in the Cinematheque of
Macedonia, Nikola Rusinski no. 1,Skopje (opposite the "Nikola Karev" high school.
Performance of the songs from the deciphered inscriptions of the monuments of culture
of the Macedonian people, spread all over the world, part of a more than 400,000 years old
Macedonian era continuing up to the present.
Participation by:
Suzana Spasovska
Serafina Fantauzzo
maestro Zoran Dzorlev

This website is dedicated to a series of researches incorporated into a voluminous book, whose content refers to the so-called prehistory. It analyses archaeological findings and artefacts from all over the world and from all five continents indicating the existence and continuity of Macedonian culture, literacy and language, millennia and millennia back, from 400,000 BC up to the present. The analysis of these artefacts and historically significant discoveries from the history of mankind refers to the interpretation of their linguistic and mythological significance, contrary to the generally accepted opinion that these are works by primitive people who did not know how to express themselves in writing and through symbols. People (starting from the oldest analysed artefact dating from 400,000 BC) from the so-called prehistory lived in a civilized manner, with a socially organized life similar to the one today, they wrote and communicated in Macedonian language, used Macedonian script. Science, beliefs, customs and cultural achievements were not unknown to the Macedonian people. They were part of people’s everyday lives, strongly and directly linked to science and faith. The entire social and cultural life of the Macedonians was comprehensively organized in a single state, extending to all five continents, and called ZETA MACEDONIA. It was a state that included several smaller Zetas which gave a special mark and their own characteristic to the great Zeta Macedonia as a unity. All those interested in Macedonian culture and civilization will have the opportunity to be constantly informed through new content to this book, curiosities related to the topic, videos on the materials from the book, excepts and summaries, aimed at preserving and keeping the oldest Macedonian cultural heritage and its holy name.

The Author
Branko Sotirovski

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