On the territory of Zeta Macedonia Pyrenees (present-day Spain)
wednesday, 02.03.2016
The petroglyphs discovered in Spain, more precisely in MOLINO BARREÑO, MARAGATERÍA (LEÓN) and registered by Juan Carlos Campos have forms which are still not quite understandable to scientists.

The recorded petroglyphs are located at the confluence of two small seasonal streams, which dry out in the summer heat. Some of the rock engravings are visible in the period when water flows. There are other engraved rocks near the site, which analysts believe are signs to mark the planets. From most rocks with different engravings, the most mysterious for the researchers are the ones in Figure 2 and Figure 4, which in no way can be interpreted as Zodiac symbols.

Figure 1 Figure 2
Two triangle forms, overlapping.
Besides this so-called triangular engraving is located, in their opinion, the most mysteriously carved rock (Figure 4). It’s quite small in size, barely 20 cm in diameter. Eight lines come out from the centre forming the figure of a star. Its interpretation is complicated for researchers and they say it might symbolize a solar symbol or another star. Everything else is a mystery, so the question of the origin of these remnants of the past and to what purpose were they made and by whom remains open.
According to our research, relying on research findings written in the book Zeta Macedonia, the engraved stone originates from the stone period of Macedonian people, 34,000-16,400 years ago of Macedonian era.
According to Branko Sotirovski, the engraving with two crossed triangles is an abstract-symbolic representation of part of the Macedonian faith “Orthodox” with the righteous, just, true word for the dignified Macedon to communicate with the Sun God ILI vie the shortest route. These are the two holy trinity: the sacred and the profane, symbolized by these two triangles and the trinity of God’s son IS.

Furthermore, these two crossed triangles, like many others in this region and on all five continents are a masterpiece, work that hides a character-speech pattern, a hidden message in the form of LIGATURE.
Here are some examples of Macedonian ligature, analysed in the book Zeta Macedonia by Branko Sotirovski: Macedonian embroidery p. 95 “Seal – Lord’s eye”, p. 106 Lepenski Vir, “Madona offspring” p. 255. Zeta Macedonia Uprising, Southeast Asia (Patne – India) 132,000-42,000 years of Macedonian era, p. 258. Zeta Macedonia God’s Lom Blombos, South Africa, 77,000 years ago of Macedonian era, p. 374. Nazca p. 320 “The ship of the divine spirit Macedon”. Zeta Macedonia Overseas North BLOSSOM, Maine USA, 6,000-5,000 years ago of Macedonian era “Our Macedonia”, p. 360 and Zeta Macedonia Overseas Blossom, Canyon Sierra de San Carlos (present-day Mexico) 6,000-5,000 years ago of Macedonian era (Read more about the book at http://zetamacedonia.com/default/zeta_makedonija-6541-116).
The symbolism of the engravings is the following: the engraving is composed of two crossed triangles. The crossed triangles form a smaller triangle in the middle. The triangles are a stylized representation of the three pyramids, the Pyramid of the Sun God ILJO, the pyramid of God’s Mother of resurrection earth MADON and the Pyramid of the divine son Macedon.
The Pyramid of the Sun symbolizes the sacred or spiritual trinity –God Sun ILI, divine DON and the divine spirit Macedon. The Pyramid of earth MADON symbolizes the secular trinity material – the sunray IL, divine Madon and gods Macedonians. The small triangle derived from two major triangles symbolizes the trinity of the divine son i.e. the gods Macedonians. It consists of the divine son IS, divine spirit Macedon and Macedonia paradise.
The crossed triangles form digits. Five plus ten plus five plus two equals twenty-two. The number twenty-two marks the four annual periods, XXII December – the longest night and the shortest day with the Macedonian people called KRSH or the break of day when night decreases and day increases; XXII March – the summer equinox; XXII June – the summer solstice and XXII September – the autumnal equinox.
The equinox, especially the spring one, played a significant role in the cultural development of the Macedonian civilization of the past on all five continents.
The same length of day and night, the equinox or the day equal with the night on XXII March is a beginning of a new year in fruit. The start of the fruitful year is manifested by the fertilizing readiness of the sun and the act of fertilization or announcing the ruler called Zet. The announcement of the ruler Zet was held on the tops of mountains or pyramids, as artificial mountains, with appropriate celebrations.
Only Macedonian civilization has left a deep mark on its subjects in eastern Asia and America. Early spring was associated with the beginning of agricultural work, followed by offering sacrifice so as to have a successful yield.
Spring celebrations are the brightest features of Macedonian folk customs, which with their magic power united the souls of Macedonians in common aspirations for survival and a better life. Macedonian festivities are in honour of DON – spring, poetry, love, flowers and beauty, the cradle of the living world “IS”. The festivities are in honour of science, art and Macedonian mythology or faith in one Sun God ILI. They are Dionysian games in honour of Zeta Macedonia, Macedonian civilization, which is the history of the world. They are festivities during which people believed souls are cleansed, sins are forgiven, and awakened spring light predominates over winter darkness that pressed onto their souls.
The equinox as a process, main propellant and starting point is the key and most important point in the overall pattern of understanding and deciphering the culture of living of the divine people that lived in the Great Zeta Macedonia, and thus in the territory Zeta Macedonia Pyrenees. Starting from this natural process, we discover several aspects of people’s lives from the time period of Zeta Macedonia.
Macedonians communicated their messages to God and to other people by script in the form of verses. It is the first type of artistic literary expression in the world called poetry. Apart from using the verse form, Macedonians wrote their social and political messages in an original and innovative way, in a small space, with symbols written in the form of the artistic expression DRAWING-LIGATURE or sculpture-ligature. The andwritten symbols form shapes similar to the east Asian symbols, created by Macedonians, which contain a voice message, and also hide the significance of the Macedonian faith in the one God Sun ILI.
Here is an example of the two triangles representation, a symbol formed by letters from Ravenija, Aegean Macedonia 8,500-5,000 years of Macedonian era (now occupied by a nameless tribe and a state with a made up name).

The seal says: “SO ILI GLEDAM SVETI MADONA (“WITH ILI I SEE MADONA SHINES”). The seal is a symbol of power, authorizing or prohibiting. The seal is backed up by the ruler, Zet and deity of Earth, and the is backed up by science, mythology and the military.

Fig. 3
The seal is in the form of Sun and sunrays. The middle section of the seal with an inscription represents the EYE of God ILI that sees everything, just as the ruler. The eye is situated between two triangles, a symbol of gods Macedonians, as well as of the Holy Trinity. The triangles represent pyramids for transferring spiritual and secular energy.
The engraving from MOLINO BARREÑO, just as the seal from Aegean Macedonia, besides the geometric-symbolic message also hides and written characters. It hides in itself a divine message written with the artistic expression ligature in Macedonian language with Macedonian BLOSSOM script (called Cyrillic) and Macedonian SPRING digits (called Latin). The letters А, В, Д, И, Л, Љ, М, Н, О, Р, У can be recognised in the engraving. From these words the WORD OF GOD emerges, which reads: “OD IL UM VO ROD LAVROD. ILJO MADON VARDAR, DUNAV MADONIJA” (“FROM IL MIND IN KIN LAVROD. ILJO MADON VARDAR, DUNAV MADONIA”).
The word of God “OD IL UM VO ROD LAVROD. ILJO MADON VARDAR, DUNAV MADONIJA” is reflected in the following engraving called Sun.

Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Macedonian embroidery.
The engraving is a symbol of the Sun ILJO with its rays IL, with a point in the middle and eight points into the eight sunrays.
“What gives us the spiritual concept of the point is that it is “DZE” or gaze and divine eye, as sacred; and the eye of the divinated Macedonians – as profane world. The point is a gaze with explosion (contrary to the Euclidean theory of indivisibility of the point). The point is an explosion of lightning into countless stars like “sprinkle” and “fertilizer” in universe. It’s like beginning, touch, instant, perfection. That divine gaze “DZE”, in the space circle, at the hour of fertilization, transforming the dead into living called DON, is divine desire for the divine spirit Macedon to create gods of Earth as gods Macedonians. It is beginning and end. With it, everything begins and everything ends. The point is the nucleus of the fruit, divine seed, potential fruit, a moment of creation. It represents the creating divine power – SPIRIT MACEDON called LAVROD (Excerpt from the book Zeta Macedonia by Branko Sotirovski p. 40).
The word of God: “ILJO MADON VARDAR” has its meaning.
God ILI/ILE and the divine MA – MADON are an inevitable part of a whole, of a mythical story. They mutually shape the overall image of the mythological concept of Macedonian civilization in the period when the voice, the script and the first written materials were created, together with the figurative representation of the world surrounding us through the drawing-ligatures and symbols.
The Sun as the most important and most significant phenomenon in the Macedonian FAITH or mythology is named as God ILI, ILE, ILJO, Zet (son-in-law), Tesht (father-in-law), Hermes, and its rays are named by the holder of the divine spirit Macedon – “Z” (“З”) ray (зрак), "S" (“DZE”) gaze-lightning and sunray called IL.
Sun God ILJO and the Great Mother MADON, i.e. their conception is contained in the Macedonian word VARDAR.
The word “VARDAR” can be broken down into the words “VAR” and “DAR”.
The word “var” in Macedonian means “WHITE”. It is the root of the word “VAROSH” meaning grouped houses, protected by high walls, such as in: Gostivar, Varazhdin, Temishvar (Timisoara), Varshava (Warsaw) and others. Var is also the name of a wall which is white, made mostly of limestone (varovnik). The noun Vardar depicts a river, runing around the walls and towers of Varosh or passing through the settlement itself. Var meaning white also points to a side of the world – West, unlike East which is marked with red. North is denoted by the noun “BAR”, meaning black. From the word “BAR” the word “AMBAR” (“barn”) is derived, the meaning of which is a tower in which grain is stored or collected “DOBRO” (“good”) and good marks property. Macedonians used green to indicate South.
The second part of the noun Vardar is “DAR”. The word “DAR” means a gift, given by God or by the river. “DAR” is also a river and “DERE” is a trough. In this case, the decoded inscription “ILJO MADON VARDAR” means as follows: the Sun God ILJO gives water in the form of a deep bottom river to the land MADON. The noun Madon means “MOTHER’S GIFT”. Hence, the river Vardar is a gift from Mother Earth.
According to the symbolism of the engraving, the gift is for gods Macedonians living in the vicinity, in the town MOLINO BARREÑO, located in the north side of a certain site, or it is a place that uses the benefits of the Vardar River, such as watermill for grinding grain etc.
The nouns “DUNAV, MADONIJA” are analysed thus: “DUNAV” (Danube) or “DUN” is a bottom, a deep river bed. The word “DON” gives origin to “DAR” or “DIAR”, meaning: tree, habitat, land, area. Hence the noun refers to an area along a river, called MADONIJA or MACEDONIA.
Such a name is found along the river Danube. These are the sites Zeta Madonija – Macedonia, Macedonian Peninsula (present-day Serbia) 7,300-6,800 years of Macedonian era, Zeta Madonija – Macedonia, Pavlov, (present-day Czech Republic) 31,000-27,000 years ago of Macedonian era.

.The river Vardar in Macedonia runs from north to south. That river is a gift from God, “Dun”, “Dunum”, “UM”, Zero Meridian as a centre of the world. The river Vardar in spring XXII March, through the seas, gives to the world the entire “UM” (mind), script, language and culture of living, for the glory of the one Sun God ILI, for the glory of the only mother Madonija or Macedonia. And for the glory of his only son “IS”, “ISUS” (Jesus) in whom the divine spirit MACEDON is present, it is the son messiah, the only “Enoch”, “Zet”, “Tesht”, “Hermes”.